
IAWTV Awards

Happy to announce that the early preview episodes of my new sci-fi series CONTINUUM have been nominated for two awards at the inaugural IAWTV Awards. The show is up for Best Production Design and Best Visual Effects. Big shout out to our production designer Eric Whitney and to our Visual FX Supervisor Chad Briggs and his team at Element X Creative. The awards are being given in Las Vegas on January 12, 2012 during CES. I'll let you know how it turns out! -Blake P.S. The full release of CONTINUUM...
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More on "Continuum"

Working hard getting the word out on the exclusive Facebook Preview of Continuum... last night I was a guest on the Indie Intertube podcast (I'll have a download link for that soon) and here's our lead actress Melanie Merkosky talking about her love of all things sci-fi and what drew her to the show... The first 3 episodes are currently playing on Facebook and a wider release is slated for early 2012. Hope you enjoy! -Bla...
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"Continuum" Preview

Been a while since I posted here.... been busy producing a new genre film called Phobia and recently releasing an exclusive preview of my latest online series Continuum. And that's what this post is about today... I'm releasing the first 3 episodes exclusively on Facebook to say "thank you" to the fans that have supported the show since we announced it back in 2010, and to hopefully build up the page with new fans as we move forward to a wide release in early 2012. Here's some nice coverage...
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New Movie

If you're on Facebook and a friend of mine or my company Loud Pictures, then you've probably heard me mention the new feature film I'm producing. It's a mystery/thriller called "Phobia" and will be directed by Jon Keeyes and was written by Anne Gibson. Casting on the film starts this weekend in Dallas and our LA casting director has been talking to folks for the past few weeks. We'll have an announcement soon on our leads. In the meantime, if you'd like to follow the progress of the film please...
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iTunes Dominates Digital Movie Sales

This is an interesting piece from Variety. Somewhat surprising to me too with all the competition Out There. But also a bit scary to see the real numbers... AND to see how strong DVD sales still really are (although declining, but still far bigger than digital downloads). ------------------------------------------------ iTunes dominates digital movie sales Apple gains market share despite increased competition By ANDREW WALLENSTEIN Apple's iTunes reasserted itself as the top seller of movies...
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Streamy Awards on TV?

Yep. Maybe... Seems Dick Clark Productions has teamed up with Tubefilter (the folks who own the Streamys) to develop a show for TV - not Web TV - but television.At first glance this might seem counterproductive... why would an awards show geared towards "web video" be on (traditional) TV? Shouldn't that be online?Some will definitely argue yes it should be online, and some will say what the heck are the Streamys? Most will fall in the latter category.And that's the point.Most people have no clue...
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Cowboys & Aliens Comic-Con Premiere

My friend and actor Julio Cedillo has a nice role in Jon Favreau's new film "Cowboys and Aliens". He plays a character named "Bronc". I haven't seen the film, but here are some cool pics he gave me to share from the shoot and the Comic-con premiere...

Julio on red carpet at Comic-Con

Julio on red carpet at Comic-Con

Julio and director Jon Favreau on set

Julio is probably best known for his title role in Tommy Lee Jones' directorial debut "The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada". If you haven't seen that movie definitely check it out. He also starred in my indie action flick "Killing Down" and my WB web original "Exposed". A very talented and versatile actor!


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Cowboys & Freddie Wong's Aliens

This is a cool parody done by YouTube's Freddie Wong (with the help of Jon Favreau and Universal - nice!)...Direct YouTube link:, a good behind-the-scenes piece too...Direct YouTube link: really dig seeing these VFX shots on low to no budgets. Fun stuff.-Bla...
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Thinking About Final Cut Pro X

Okay, so everyone in the editing world has an opinion on the new FCP X - most seem to be that it isn't ready for primetime - and I completely concur with that opinion.

I won't go over all the ugly details as by now it's been covered ad nauseam.

Here's my take as a professional filmmaker who makes his living editing and has worked with non-linear editing systems since 1996 (including Avid, Speed Razor, Premiere, Vegas and Final Cut Pro)....

This is a version 1.0 release and should not be marketed as a professional tool (yet).

That's really it. It's that simple.

I think if Apple had not called this release Final Cut Pro X there wouldn't be such a huge uproar. Calling it X makes people assume it's a version 10 release and that it would include at least the same functionality that the version 7 release did. But, unfortunately, it doesn't. Not even close.

This should be called iMovie Pro (or whatever, just not FCP).

Does it have some cool new features? Absolutely. Will it likely be accepted by the professional filmmaking community in the future? Probably. But right now this is huge issue for many, many folks who make their living with FCP. Again, if you don't understand why, then you likely don't make a living in post-production.

A few other things to think about...

1. Apple is likely setting the stage to do away with tower computers all together. Their focus will be on iPhones, iPads and iMacs (and laptops - for a while).

2. Apple only makes about 20% of its revenue off computer sales and 3% off software sales. Everything else is pretty much from mobile devices.

3. If Apple really cared about FCP and editing software they would make it a cross platform application. They don't. They care about selling their computers (and other devices) that will run the software. Avid and Adobe are creative software companies and thus they make it for both Mac and PC.

My last observation to think about is this...

I wonder if Apple has made FCP X too much "in the middle"?

It's currently too dumbed down and lacks the professional features that pros need and expect, but then it's likely too complicated and expensive for the casual iMovie user (yes, I said expensive - do you think your brother, or friends or mom or dad would spend $299 on editing software when they can get iMovie for free and it does everything they'd really ever need?).

It's a product really not designed for either market.

Just something to think about.


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Dallas Director Clicks

So, yeah, I guess that's me clicking away in Dallas directing films and web series... What am I referring to exactly? Glad you asked. It's this recent article on called "Dallas Director Clicks with Sexy, Nourish Web Series"...

From the article:

In order to get a taste of the fast-paced, action film work of Arlington-raised, Dallas-based director Blake Calhoun, you don't need to line up at your local movie theater, or even wait patiently by the mailbox for the latest shipment from Netflix.

You don't even need to carve a chunk of time out of your day -- three or four minutes should suffice.

Just log onto the Internet, and behold a few of the bite-size curios that Calhoun has been toiling over in recent years.

Basically the piece is about my recent work including Pink, Exposed, Continuum (coming soon) and my features Killing Down, Hit and most recently Spilt Milk. It's pretty darn thorough! :)

Thanks for checking it out.

Btw, for any folks in the DFW area this is supposed to run in the actual newspaper - that's right - the actual paper you hold while drinking your coffee and trying not to spill on it. That paper is the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and I've heard it will likely be in early July (Why July? I have no idea since this was released online last week... but, that's cool).


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iPad Interactive Storytelling

Ever since I got an iPad 2 I've been very interested in its future as a film distribution platform. The most obvious apps are Netflix or Hulu, and those are great, but I'm talking more about creating an app for a single film - and making it interactive. A fully immersive experience. Like in this new app The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore.Here's a trailer for the app (get used to hearing that too - a trailer for an app):Now of course this is really more of an "interactive book" based...
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"Spilt Milk" LA Screening 5/20/11

I've been making films a while - my first short was shot in 1996 (not counting college short films) and my first feature in 1998. My work has played at festivals around the U.S. and even once in Europe. But none of my films have ever played a fest in Los Angeles. So when I got word my latest feature film "Spilt Milk" was screening in LA as part of the 2011 LA Comedy Fest I was pretty happy. Not really sure why though (besides it looks like a fun festival)... I guess if you're a filmmaker it's...
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New Technicolor Profile for Canon DSLRs

I haven't download this yet, but will soon for my Canon 7D. I currently use a variation of a "flat" setting and have had pretty good results. So I look forward to seeing how much better the image can be.Here's some really good coverage and tips for use by Vincent LaForet: then also from Planet5D: here's a direct...
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Watch "Restrepo" Now

I'd actually not heard of Tim Hetherington until yesterday when he was killed in Libya covering that war. So then when I heard he was one of the co-directors of "Restrepo"( which was nominated for an Oscar this year) I was intrigued and had to check it out. Btw, not intrigued because he had died - intrigued because of the way he immersed himself within these situations. And if you watch "Restrepo" (which you need to) you likely won't be surprised that he died the way he did.Here's the trailer:(And...
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Drinking Up the "Spilt Milk" Festival Experience

I had a great time last week promoting and then screening my latest feature film "Spilt Milk" at the Dallas International Film Festival. I'm from Dallas so it was a lot of fun to show off a locally produced movie to the local film scene.

I often rant about how I don't really see a lot of value in film festivals these days - mainly because of the Internet - but also because festivals are everywhere. And I'm really talking about features here, not short films, but those too to a lesser degree. The festival market (and that's what it really is or has become) is extremely saturated. There are literally hundreds (or thousands?) of events worldwide.

So my personal philosophy towards festivals is that I think folks should support their local art scene and all the festivals involved. And then as a filmmaker, I think you should enter the bigger well-known fests (ie. Sundance, SXSW, etc.) and/or your local ones, but don't waste your money on blanketing all the other ones that pop up in your Withoutabox dashboard.

Are these lower tier festivals bad? Of course not. But typically speaking they will showcase their local filmmakers and then retreads from the bigger festivals. That's a generalization I realize, but for the most part it is true. Most of the festival directors and artistic directors are friends (or at least associates) and they routinely pass along referrals for films they like (and don't like).

Do hidden gems come out of nowhere? Yep, they definitely do. But more times than not this happens at the bigger fests (or side "big fest" like Slamdance running during Sundance). Of course if your film is accepted to a bigger fest and then some of the smaller fest come calling to screen your film (and they pick up the entry fee) then by all means I'd do it. But if it's your own dime and time then I would think twice.

Anyway, that's how I feel and I'm sure lots of folks will disagree. But that's for another post... :)

So in saying all that, my experience at DIFF last week was a really good one. The festival organizers really know how to put on a show, and they have the financial backing (ie. sponsors) to really do it up right. I mean free Stella flowing pretty much non-stop at the festival lounge is pretty cool!

"Spilt Milk" screened on Sunday evening as one of the last films of the festival to a packed house at the historic Texas Theatre. I'd guess there were 250 or so people there and we had a very nice Q&A afterwards. Audience really seemed to enjoy the film. It's a sly comedy that definitely plays well to a group of people (as most comedies do), so in that respect playing at a festival was great - that is one thing the Internet can't offer!

The film should be available to buy or rent later this year. So in the meantime, here's some related stuff to check out...

We've had lots of inquiries about the great score, and so here is a medley that our composer Douglas Edward put together:

"Spilt Milk" Score (Medley) by Loud Pictures

Direct link to medley on SoundCloud:
(btw, we do plan to put an official soundtrack out on iTunes, etc. later too)

Here's a nice little review of the film that's worth a read:

And here's the trailer if you haven't seen it:

Thanks DIFF for a great week!


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SPILT MILK Screening at 2011 DIFF

This coming weekend on Sunday 4/10/11 at 7:30pm at the Texas Theater (yeah, that one) my latest feature SPILT MILK will screen as part of the 2011 Dallas International Film Festival. Here's the trailer...Direct link to trailer: here's a link to the film's page on the festival site (where you can buy tickets): are $10. Please buy them online in advance, although...
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Google's Advanced Camera Tools

If you're a filmmaker and use Google's Sketchup 8 then you'll want to download this brand new plugin, Advanced Camera Tools. Here's a quick video intro:From the Sketchup Blog:It seems that every time I watch a movie’s special features, up pops SketchUp: How’d they figure out the Penrose stairs in Inception? What did a vehicle designer for Avatar use to invent the bad guys’ robot suits? What tool did the production designer for 300 and Good Night, and Good Luck use? The set design for The Social...
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Felicia Day on Jimmy Fallon Show

Most "web series" folks know that Felicia Day is starring in a new Dragon Age web series, but most "regular" people don't know who Felicia Day is, or what Dragon Age is for that matter. But being on more "mainstream" outlets like Late Night with Jimmy Fallon can definitely help this situation (although I'm not sure what size audience he has truthfully, but it's still VERY COOL).Felicia has definitely become The Spokesperson for the Web Series Generation and getting her out preaching the gospel...
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String Theory (Kindle Book)

If you have a Kindle (or the app) definitely check out the new crime novella "String Theory" from "Pink" writer Mike Maden. It's dark and twisted much like the show, and only $0.99 cents!

Direct link:

String Theory
Murder. Photography. Nihilism. The Mob. And a little golf--all set in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas. "String Theory" takes a humorous stab at noir fiction. It's a pulpy riff on the death of art, and the art of death. Novella length work of approx. 25k words or 100 printed pages.


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Jake Johnson on MTV News

Nice little interview from MTV News with Jake Johnson on working with Ivan Reitman on the recent film "No Strings Attached". Jake is also the star of my latest directed film "Spilt Milk".For rising comedic star Jake Johnson, who appears alongside Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman in the new romantic comedy "No Strings Attached," his personal highlight from working on the film (in addition to having the best lines in the trailer and many of the killer one-liners in the film as well) was working...
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Andrew Sensenig's Budweiser Spot

One of my favorite Super Bowl ads was the Budweiser "Wild West" spot, here's the extended version...It stars Andew Sensenig as the Bartender. Who is Andrew you dare ask? Well, he's the book author in Ep 25 of PINK...I'm sure you knew that. :)Here's a quick behind-the-scenes look at the Bud spot too...Nice job Andrew!-Bla...
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Improving Indie Economics?

This Forbes article from Sundance is a few weeks old, but worth a look.From the piece:“The amount of equity required to finance a film has diminished,” say Steven Beer, a lawyer at Greenberg Traurig who is helping to sell three films at the festival this year including a documentary about A Tribe Called Quest. “The Jobs Creation Act gives filmmakers a federal tax credit for qualified production. Couple that with state incentive programs which can offer up to a 40% return on a per project basis.”I...
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In Other Self-Distro News...

I saw this Vanity Fair article/interview come across my Twitter feed this morning and it's a nice, quick read about someone other than Kevin Smith four-walling his film.From the piece...Be willing to get doors slammed in your face and not take no for an answer?Well, you have to both not take no for an answer and know how to take no for an answer. How to have no’s not affect you at some level, to know the no’s can be temporary, that they’re not a permanent door closing in your face.Definitely check...
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Kevin Smith

Enough has already been said about Kevin Smith's foray into self-distribution with his latest film "Red State", but I would probably just add that I have no problem with him giving the finger to "the system". While he likely could have done it in a softer or more welcoming manner (of course this IS Kevin Smith), the overall strategy is actually quite smart... for this film.But all the rhetoric that Kevin Smith is imploding or done I find amusing. The guy has an extremely loyal fan base that already...
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Indie Intertube's Promo

Good list of lots of shows up for their awards...-Bla...
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Uh oh, Redbox Now Feeling Some Pain

Good read from NewTeeVee regarding Redbox (possibly) now feeling the affect of Netflix streaming.Direct link: the piece:For years, Redbox has been flying high with DVD kiosks that offered cut-rate movie rentals for $1 a day. But Redbox might want to launch a digital rental service soon, before it sees its DVD kiosk business affected by Netflix and other services that allow consumers to rent and purchase movies from the comfort of their own homes.The writer...
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"Exposed" in AT&T Ad

Tubefilter just did a nice story (and quick interview with me) on my WB web original "Exposed" being part of a series of AT&T national TV spots. Check it out here.Direct link: also do a very quick update on my upcoming show "Continuum".Thanks,Bla...
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1st Annual Indie Intertube Awards

Found out yesterday that the podcast Indie Intertube has created it's 1st Annual Awards... and the teaser trailer from my upcoming sci-fi series CONTINUUM has been nominated.So, you might be thinking... Another awards show? And the thought crossed my mind too, but the thing I really like about what they do is feature actual indie content. Nothing wrong with studio produced shows (I've done one), but the main stuff being produced on the web is by indie producers. It's like the late 90s indie film...
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Freemium Web Series Model

Interesting article from Tubefilter on Kevin Rose's (from Diggnation) new show Foundation. He's doing a "freemium" model, which I am becoming more and more a fan of - although it has rarely been used successfully. Here's a link to the article:'m currently in a Twitter discussion with Marc Hustvedt (the author of the piece) and several other folks debating the merits of the model.I personally think it's a great way...
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Who Am I?

I'm a filmmaker who's produced & directed five feature films including the comedy SPILT MILK (available on iTunes), the new horror/thriller PHOBIA (on iTunes) and the action/thiller KILLING DOWN (which you can buy or rent at pretty much all the usual places).

I also created the Streamy and Webby award-winning web series PINK, which to date has been viewed online around 10 MILLION times at places like YouTube, Hulu, Koldcast and And speaking of, I also produced and directed an online thriller for them called EXPOSED. It was released summer 2010. And most recently I created a new online sci-fi series called CONTINUUM, which is part of the online indie TV network - Just The Story and NOW available via VOD through indie platform Distrify.

Oh, and I don't shoot weddings. Thanks for asking though.

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