Over the years I've had requests to make the music from my shows available and so recently I started using SoundCloud to make this happen. Below is the first set I've created, "Themes from Our Series", which are the themes to three of my shows... "88 Hits", "Exposed" and "Pink". In the future I'll add "Continuum" (once it's done) and other projects I produce. Also, I plan to create some playlist with scores from each of my films (and series). One thing I've always done is had original score created....
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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Even though I produce a fair amount of web content, I do not actually watch that much of it. Partly because I'm super busy, but partly (and probably mainly) I really don't think much of it is very good (yet). So when I heard about Jeff Lewis' new project (he plays Vork in Felicia Day's show "The Guild"), The Jeff Lewis 5-Minute Comedy Hour I was interested, but at the same time worried it might fall into the web series abyss of bad comedy shows. I'm happy to report it is actually very good - and...
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Thursday, December 9, 2010
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UPDATE: Looks like the $99 pricing was a "Cyber Monday" sale and it's now back to $199. However, I just found the software still on sale at Digital Juice for $99. Not sure how long it will last though. Here's a link: http://www.digitaljuice.com/products/products.asp?pid=1571I've used storyboarding software in the past from Frame Forge and Storyboard Quick, but I really don't use it that often. However today I came across this interesting quasi-storyboard software for Final Cut Pro that I might...
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Monday, November 29, 2010
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I started a new YouTube channel today (www.youtube.com/watchblake). Mainly because I wanted to easily upload personal videos I shoot with my iPhone 4 (it has a "Send to YouTube" button, and, it works pretty well). But I also have decided to use it to showcase my work and some behind-the-scenes stuff I'm calling "Scene This?". Here's "My Work" Playlist (most of my trailers):I have tons of unseen footage that's been shot on a Flip Video camera (and now a lot on an iPhone) and so I'm now going to...
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Monday, November 22, 2010
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I just created a Blip.tv show page for CONTINUUM and posted the trailer on there too. Nice thing is it will feed to iTunes and be available as a "podcast" there soon. Until I decide on our exact distribution and release strategy we will continue to play with a mild version of "super syndication". The teaser is currently available on YouTube, Facebook and now Blip.Help spread the word! :) -Bla...
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
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Apparently, yes.At first glance this seems like a good idea, but the more I read the details I'm not so sure - at least from the film side of things. The script side is more doable, but I'm not quite sure what a "test movie" is? Especially one that is "full-length". I will say the prize money is quite large though... Read the details here at IndieWire:http://blogs.indiewire.com/thompsononhollywood/2010/11/16/amazon_launches_new_movie_studio_run_by_roy_price_son_of_frank/And then check it out for...
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
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Interesting article from cnet geared towards mainly Hollywood movies on the web versus original content on the web. I think both will have a profitable place online in the (near) future...The roots of the strategy can be traced to consumers. Too many were choosing to download films illegally. Younger people who didn't go the file-sharing route ignored Blockbuster and cable and gravitated to the Internet's top video-rental store, Netflix.Read more:http://news.cnet.com/8301-31001_3-20022759-261....
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Monday, November 15, 2010
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A descent Ad Age story on some recent web-to-TV success stories...From the article:But why move to TV what already works well for the internet? Simply put: A popular web show brings networks a built-in fan base, (comparably) cheaper talent, lower budgets and, in some cases, advertisers willing to follow a show or personality across any platform.Read the entire piece:http://adage.com/madisonandvine/article?article_id=146933I think it's good that mainstream pubs like Ad Age are following this trend,...
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010
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I've always been a fan of Robert Rodriguez - not necessarily of all his films - but of his mindset and the way he makes his films. Even though they are developed and produced for the most part through Hollywood, they are done in a decidedly indie fashion (he often writes, directs, shoots, edits, scores, you-name-it). So now it just makes sense that he is starting his own indie film company (Quick Draw). Of course as I mention, his Hollywood films very often feel "indie" to me, but I assume the...
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Monday, November 1, 2010
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Now this is really cool...Direct link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NhFRpEBlegThe ability to repeat the exact same shot twice is invaluable when doing any tricky VFX work - think of the one actor playing twins in THE SOCIAL NETWORK. Typically I'll do a lock off shot of the background plate, then the action on top of that, and if I want to add any movement or camera shake I'll do it in post. But with this rig it would make that so easy (and you wouldn't have to do a motion control smooth dolly,...
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
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If you are on Twitter or Facebook (and are a filmmaker, or actor, etc.) you have undoubtedly come across someone trying to "kickstart" a project via crowdfunding. I personally can't decide if this is a good way to go or not (for my projects, for others sure - I've actually donated recently). I don't like the idea of "charity" or the perceived notion you are desperate (not saying folks are, just some perceive it this way), I would probably rather work the financing out in another fashion. But then...
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Thursday, October 14, 2010
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Tech geek alert here... This is interesting stuff if you own or have ever shot with a Canon 5D using an external monitor, or if you're a video engineer playing with a calculator right now. Seriously though, this is quite informative and a great "fix" for the limitations of the 5D HDMI output using a SmallHD DP6 monitor (I own a Canon 7D and so don't have these issues)...Effective Pixels 101 from SmallHD on Vimeo.And a good full blog read here too:http://videos.smallhd.com/the-truth-about-canon...
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
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Good interview from TechCrunchTV with filmmaker Adam Rifkin (new series "Look" is on Showtime) talking about social media, studio and indie filmmaking and new distribution models. This all relates to web series, music and books too. Good stuff.Direct link:http://techcrunch.com/2010/10/08/being-adam-rifki/-Bla...
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Friday, October 8, 2010
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Way back when in the mid-90s a film called "The Brother's McMullen" hit it big with audiences and critics alike at the Sundance film festival. I personally liked the film too. It also was one of the films along with "Clerks" that told me (and many others) that I could be a filmmaker. Not because of the storytellling or content mind you, because of the budget. $25k for "The Brother's McMullen" (and $28k for "Clerks").
Cut 15 years ahead to today and what is Ed Burns doing? He's releasing a new $25k movie. I guess there hasn't been any inflation since 1995.
If you don't know who Edward Burns is he's probably best known (to mainstream commercial viewers) for his roles in "Saving Private Ryan", "15 Minutes" (opposite Robert Dinero), or from his appearances on "Entourage". He's really created a nice career staying in the indie world, but also being relevant in the Hollywood system (mainly as an actor). And to those who follow indie film, you probably know he's directed a handful of really nice movies over the past decade (along with acting in them) and is continuing that trend today.
His latest film is called "Nice Guy Johnny" and to be honest, while I am interesting in seeing the film, I'm more interested in how he's financing and distributing it.
ALL filmakers (that's film, TV, web, whatever) should check out this very interesting interview with him on his latest film and on how he is trying to reshape (indie) distribution...
Interestingly, a lot of what he's talking about is being done in one form or another (and with varying degress of success) in the web series world right now.
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Wednesday, October 6, 2010
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Nice blurb on Jake Johnson at TIFF 2010 this year being named #6 in their "Top 10 New Faces". Jake co-stars in the film "Ceremony" with Uma Thurman, and is probably best known for his starring role in "Paper Heart" last year with Michael Cera and crew.
Of course he's best known to me for his great work in my new indie feature "Spilt Milk". You can watch the trailer here, and join the FB page here, if you're interested in seeing more.
Oh, and there's also a mention in the blurb of a certain filmmaker and a certain upcoming film... hmmm, I wonder who it could be? :)
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
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Here's a Vimeo embed of the trailer for you non-FB users out there....SPILT MILK Trailer from Blake Calhoun on Vimeo.UPDATE: I will post a non-Facebook version of trailer soon as it doesn't seem to allow non-FB users to view it!?!The trailer for my new indie feature "Spilt Milk" is now online... so please check it out!Direct link:http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=lf#!/video/video.php?v=10150257909355694Release date is TBD.-Bla...
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Friday, September 17, 2010
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I'm really looking forward to shooting with this new ARRI ALEXA camera...
The first feature film to have been shot with ALEXA cameras is Anonymous, an Elizabethan thriller with a controversial take on the true authorship of writings attributed to William Shakespeare. Set amidst London's shadowy theatrical and royal circles around the turn of the 17th century, the film features a strong cast of British stage actors and is directed by Roland Emmerich, best known for more explosive Hollywood action movies such as The Day After Tomorrow and 2012. Emmerich worked with cinematographer Anna Foerster on the project, with whom he has collaborated since Independence Day in 1996.
Direct link to story and full interview with the DP:
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Thursday, September 16, 2010
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This is directly from The Hollywood Reporter...YouTube eyes pay-per-view filmsMove would put it in more direct competition with AppleStaff reportAug 30, 2010, 07:34 AM ETGoogle's YouTube video service is in talks with Hollywood studios to launch a streaming pay-per-view movie service by year's end.The Financial Times reported that the service is expected to launch in the U.S. and then get rolled out globally. The move would put YouTube into more direct competition with Apple and others, such as...
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010
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This is a press release about the new Netflix app for iPhone and iPod Touch. I am personally happy to see this on these devices (I don't have an iPad where the app originally appeared). Cool things are definitely happening with the convergence of the "web" and "TV" worlds...NETFLIX APP NOW AVAILABLEFOR iPHONE AND iPOD TOUCHFree App Enables Netflix Members to Instantly WatchTV Episodes and Movies Streamed from Netflix to iPhone and iPod touch LOS GATOS, Calif., August 26, 2010 – Netflix, Inc. [Nasdaq:...
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
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My WB Original series EXPOSED is now being distributed outside the bounds of TheWB.com by a syndiation company called AlphaBird. I had not heard of them until this deal happened. Warner Bros. has recently been asking me about M&E tracks and so now this all makes sense. I assume AlphaBird will take the show overseas as well.So this is pretty exciting as now the series will be available to watch on 3rd party sites starting with DailyMotion.Here's a link to the show there:http://www.dailymotion.com/group/exposedOne...
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Friday, August 20, 2010
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Koldcast TV does a very nice job of marketing a lot of their web series through their blog stories, and yesterday they did one called "The 15 Most Extreme Acts of Mob Violence" - and they featured my show "88 HITs" in the article.Here's the blog post:http://blog.koldcast.tv/2010/koldcast-news/the-15-most-extreme-acts-of-mob-violence/And from this "88 HITs" was their "Most Watched" series of the day yesterday 8/17/10. Pretty cool!Thank you Koldcast TV for doing a nice job promoting indie web content....
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010
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Just read this really cool article and interview with Felicia Day. If you don't know who she is... well, this will definitely tell you...http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/148/one-fine-day.htmlAnd here's a video interview she did as part of the article:And too, this is the main article that Felicia's story came from:http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/148/the-new-fall-season.html?page=0%2C1Lots of really good info on original web content and the folks making it.Good stuff!-Bla...
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Thursday, August 12, 2010
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I've been talking a lot about the new teaser for my upcoming sci-fi series CONTINUUM recently, but I wanted to remind folks that my other series EXPOSED is playing right now on TheWB.com.
Here's a pretty cool graphic I found too on TheWB's Facebook page...

Please check out the show if you haven't already:
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Saturday, July 31, 2010
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This past weekend the teaser trailer for my upcoming online thriller CONTINUUM premiered during Comic-Con as part of the "Celebrate The Web" off-site panel. Now you can check it out here...And a direct link to it on YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iYAz6oWedMAlso, here's a nice shout out from NewTeeVee about the teaser (near bottom of page):http://newteevee.com/2010/07/26/web-content-still-finding-its-place-at-comic-con/The series is currently in post-production and a release date is T...
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Monday, July 26, 2010
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010
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Filmmakers and actors alike have a good opportunity to check this out on Thursday, July 15, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. PST on www.openfilm.com.WHAT: Academy Award-nominated director, renowned acting instructor and Openfilm Advisory Board member Mark Rydell is conducting a live online webcam chat to answer questions from independent filmmakers, film fans and actors, Thursday, July 15, from 4:30 to 5:30 PM (PST). Mr. Rydell will offer expert advice on everything from acting tips to directing techniques to...
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010
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I really liked Spike Jonze's latest (short) film "I'm Here", and this video below talks about it, some of Spike's history and then what's going on with The Creators Project. Check it out...http://www.twentyfourbit.com/post/754659484/watch-nick-zinner-spike-jonze-creators-project#ooid=xwOTRpMTrii3yzNzBraww6WI_X74ovo5-Bla...
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Thursday, July 8, 2010
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I find it very interesting and actually kinda cool that an A-List guy like Tom Hanks has a YouTube Channel...http://www.youtube.com/tomhankschannelHe also has a Twitter account...http://www.twitter.com/tomhanksBtw, both of these are Verified to be real. We live in very interesting times!-Bla...
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Friday, June 25, 2010
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Check out Kristyn Burtt and The Web.Files interview me (EXPOSED) and Jace Hall (CHADAM) about our new WB web shows...Thanks,Bla...
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
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Tubefilter covered the premiere today of EXPOSED, along with the other three new shows from The WB... CHADAM, HIGH DRAMA 2, and DOWNERS GROVE.Here's a link to the article:http://news.tubefilter.tv/2010/06/15/chadam-exposed-headline-thewb-coms-return-to-web-series/And please watch EXPOSED! :)-Bla...
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010
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My new series EXPOSED premieres tomorrow, Tuesday June 15th on TheWB.com. Here's the official press release from Warner Bros. Television (and btw, the show page links on TheWB.com won't be active until tomorrow 6/15)...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASETHE SUMMER SIZZLES WITH “HIGH DRAMA 2: AGAINST ALL OZ” “CHADAM,” “EXPOSED” AND “DOWNERS GROVE” ON THEWB.COMThere’s Something For Everyone as Four New Original Series Premiere June 15BURBANK, Calif. (June 15, 2010) – Things heat up on TheWB.com this summer with...
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Monday, June 14, 2010
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Okay, so yeah, this is Avid propaganda here, but I still like seeing what the "big boys" use in their filmmaking. Of course the funny thing is the film "Kick-Ass" is considered and "indie", and I guess technically it is based on my definition which is simply financed outside the studio system, but... not many "indies" I know cost $28 million!!Anyway, check out the propaganda for yourself. :)http://www.avid.com/US/about-avid/customer-stories/Kick-Ass?cmpid=AV-EM-SV510 -Bla...
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Friday, June 4, 2010
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Nice video excerpt here from Steve Jobs about why AppleTV is a hobby...http://d8.allthingsd.com/20100601/d8-video-steve-jobs-on-why-apple-tv-is-a-hobby/?mod=ATD_rss&mod=ATD_sphere-Bla...
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010
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Nice succint article (albeit pretty common sense info) on why TV shows get made - geared towards SyFy Channel (written by one of their development guys) - but relateable to any network really. Check it out...http://www.boingboing.net/2010/05/10/a-dozen-reasons-tv-s.html-Bla...
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Monday, May 10, 2010
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010
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A good commentary about the Streamys and the IAWTV issues from a veteran web video creator, Tim Street:Someone from old media once asked me, “Who do these guys think they are?” “Who gave them permission to do that?” I said, “It’s web video, you don’t have to ask permission, you just go do it.” Read his blog post here...http://1timstreet.com/blog/the-web-video-community/-Bla...
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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Very nice interviews from FreshDV with Ted SchilowitzPart One:freshdvnab10_RED_Discussion1 Direct link:http://www.freshdv.com/2010/04/freshdv-nab-2010-red_pt1.htmlAnd Part Two is here:http://www.freshdv.com/nab(scroll down to "A REDtrospective Part 2)-Bla...
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Friday, April 23, 2010
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Jag35.com sells some pretty cool gadgets for you DSLR video shooters out there... check out their monitors and cage, etc.DSLR Cage Monitor Mounting from jehu Garcia on Vimeo.Direct video link: http://vimeo.com/11121194-Bla...
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Friday, April 23, 2010
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If you follow the DSLR news you likely know that the recent BIG NEWS was that the season finale of the FOX network show "House" was shot on the Canon 5D. This really is incredible when you think about it.... I mean, a network show can shoot on pretty much ANYTHING they want, including 35mm film - although that is becoming a rarity.
Anyway, as usual, DP Philip Bloom has done a great job of following this and actually scored an interview with the Executive Producer/Director of the show.
Here's a link to his blog with info on the shoot, and also a link to the audio from the interview. Well worth checking out...
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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Great article on the difference between TV directors and Movie directors...http://www.slate.com/id/2250789/pagenum/all/-Bla...
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Friday, April 16, 2010
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A lot of great announcements at NAB including Avid's latest Media Composer version 5... This is a HUGE upgrade. If you haven't heard here's a list of the new features...-Directly access and edit RED files through AMA, without transcoding (images are scaled to HD frame size)-Work natively with QuickTime video formats, including Apple ProRes and H.264-Edit video and audio by dragging and dropping elements in the timeline-Keep high-end finishing projects in-house and gain great color precision with...
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010
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One word describes last night's Streamy Awards ceremony... Sad.If you don't know what I'm talking about read this first:http://www.webseriestoday.com/2010/04/streamys-2010.htmlThese folks do a good job of describing it.So here's my take...I didn't mind that there were tech issues - that happens (although it was ironic that the tech issues started during the Craft Award videos). I didn't mind the poorly written jokes - again, that happens with most awards shows. What I did mind was the overall tone...
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Monday, April 12, 2010
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I personally own a Canon XH-A1 HDV camera and have been very happy with it over the last 3 years. We actually shot two of my web series, PINK and EXPOSED on it with a Letus DOF adapter. So when I heard about the release of the next generation of this camera I was intrigued.
The new version is called the XF300 (and XF305). They are tapeless cameras, which was expected, but what I was surprised about was they will shoot in the 4:2:2 color space at 50Mbps and onto standard (cost-effective) CF cards. Unlike the Panasonic HVX and the Sony EX series, Canon has chosen to go with the ubiquitous recording media, which I am very happy to hear. The Sony SxS cards and Panasonic's P2 cards are great, but they're also very expensive (yeah, still) costing upwards of $1000 or more depending on size (some smaller capacity cards are cheaper).
The Canon actually uses the same kind of cards my Canon 7D DSLR camera uses, which is pretty cool (and pretty interesting...). I wonder if Canon will "blend" this line of cameras with it's DSLR cameras in the future? This new XF300 uses 1/3" CMOS chips now (three of them instead of the one used in the DSLR), so why not give it one big one like the 7D or the 5D? Talk about a great camera! But I digress...
The new Canon XF cameras will be on display at NAB next week and available to buy in June. I'm not quite ready to get a new camera this summer, but come this fall I'll likely be an owner of one of these (btw, not to use instead of the 7D - which I love - but to use on corporate and commercial jobs that require more of an ENG or "run and gun" style of shooting).
Read more about the camera here...
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010
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I'm trying out some new looks, so this is a test and also to let folks know that it's a work-in-progress. :) Thanks!UPDATE: For some reason my Date Badges aren't updating, so sorry for the sloppy look, but I am working on it...UPDATE #2: Okay, the Badge dates appear to be working now... coo...
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Friday, April 2, 2010
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Hadn't thought of this, but it's true. If the US Postal Service doesn't deliver mail on Saturdays as has been proposed starting in 2011, then Netflix could be the biggest loser in that deal...http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36100708/ns/business-the_big_money/-Bla...
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010
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Press release from Content Film (Fireworks) about PINK being at the international MIP-TV market, along with several of their other new "digital" acquisitions like RIESE, GIRL NUMBER 9 and SPLATTER...http://www.contentfilm.com/index.php/news/347.htmlHopefully they'll sell some new territories!-Bla...
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Sunday, March 28, 2010
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My online series 'PINK' has been rather successful for me over the past several years, and now we've just had the good fortune of landing a foreign distribution deal too. This is no small achievment in general, but especially for a "web series".Generate, our domestic distributor (and primary owner of the show) did the deal with Fireworks International, the TV and digital distribution arm of Content Film (http://www.contentfilm.com/). They also distribute several high profile series like VALEMONT...
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
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ARRI's new ALEXA camera looks really great. It's affordable (within reason, especially for rental houses - but some owner/operators), it has 13 stops of lattitude and uses 35mm lenses...
Here's a link to two videos about the camera. The first one is a demo/preview of the actual prototype (that will be unveiled at NAB soon). And the second one is an interview with the main ARRI guy responsible for the design, etc.
I keep saying this, and it's very true - it's a GREAT time to be a filmmaker.
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Friday, March 19, 2010
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Looking forward to seeing this...Direct link:http://www.zacuto.com/shooto...
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
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The final episode of this season's FOX TV show 'House" is to be shot on the Canon 5D. Let me say that again, a NETWORK TV SHOW is going to shoot a multi-million dollar episode of their series on a $2700 camera (sans lens). This is ground-breaking and I don't say that lightly.Here's a link to the news:http://www.cinema5d.com/news/?p=2818I believe this to be accurate too as I got it from Rodney Charters on Twitter - the DP for FOX's series '24'. The other tidbit is that it appears they might shoot...
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010
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Really nice interview with Matt Nix, the showrunner for "Burn Notice" and the new series "The Good Guys"...http://www.deadline.com/2010/03/action-comedy-tv-showrunner-matt-nix/I like what he's doing Out There.-Bla...
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Monday, March 15, 2010
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Check out the indieWIRE article on Paramount's new venture (spawned after the success of micro-budgeted "Paranormal Activity")...http://www.indiewire.com/article/hollywood_studio_boosts_micro-budget_movies/So, this looks like a pretty cool thing on the surface, and I am interested to see how it pans out (might even try to pitch them myself). But with my recent ventures in the studio world I'd be surprised if 1) they can pull off a feature for $100k, and 2) if the filmmakers will live to tell about...
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Thursday, March 11, 2010
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Been very busy shooting new series "Continuum" this past week, and we have about one more week to go. This above graphic shows a raw production still and then the same still color corrected. We set the Canon 7D up to have a "flat" look for great latitude during color grading and this side by side comparison shows that (click on image to see larger view).
I'll be posting more tech info about the HDSLR production and post process soon. But right now back to work on the show. :)
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Sunday, February 28, 2010
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Kim's new role as Hope on "The Bold & The Beautiful" is getting a lot of great press including this new feature from her hometown paper in Fort Worth, Texas...
Read Star-Telegram Article
Definitely an inspiring story for those actors Out There trying to make it! :)
Btw, some very cool PINK news is coming soon too...
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Thursday, February 18, 2010
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This short film has amazing VFX and a really nice emotional story. Do yourself a favor and watch it now!Nuit Blanche from Spy Films on Vimeo.And here's a "making of" the short:Making Of Nuit Blanche from Spy Films on Vimeo.Very cool what folks are doing out there today.-Bla...
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Sunday, February 7, 2010
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We announced the cast, start date, etc. today in a press release!Direct link:http://www.prweb.com/releases/2010/02/prweb3566164.htmAlternative Fuel, Loud Pictures Prep New Sci-Fi Thriller 'Continuum' Original Web Series Created and Produced by 'Pink's' Blake Calhoun and Mike Maden Starts Shooting February 22nd Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) February 4, 2010 -- Director Blake Calhoun and longtime producing partner Mike Maden, the award-winning production team behind some of the Web's most cinematic original...
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Thursday, February 4, 2010
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My WB web series has a very small mention in Variety from yesterday. Look at the bottom of the article to see the blurb. Oh, and the actual article is pretty cool too. :) 'Supernatural' Spawns Web SpinoffWonderland, WBTV producing 'Ghostfacers'http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118014263.html?categoryid=14&cs=1&nid=2562&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+variety%2Fheadlines+%28Variety+-+Latest+News%29Wonderland is McG's production company who also...
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010
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Yep, Tiffen now has a Steadicam for, wait for it... the iPhone.Here's a link to article:http://www.handheldhollywood.com/latest-news/ces-tiffens-steadicam-smoothee.htmlIt's called the "Steadicam Smoothee" and it's actually for the iPhone and other small "Flip" style recorders.And here's a video about it from CES:CES: Tiffen's Steadicam Smoothee from Hand Held Hollywood on Vimeo.I actually think it looks really cool. I have a Flip MinoHD and it bounces like crazy so something like this makes a...
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
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If you have a 3G iPhone and use the camera a lot (or the 3Gs and use video) these affordable lenses could come in handy...http://www.japangadgetshop.com/products/Gizmon-iPhone-3G-2%C3%971-Wide-%26-Macro-Conversion-Lenses.htmlI'm not sure if these are available in the U.S. or not though.-Bla...
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Monday, January 11, 2010
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