
Well Said, Mr. Street

A good commentary about the Streamys and the IAWTV issues from a veteran web video creator, Tim Street:Someone from old media once asked me, “Who do these guys think they are?” “Who gave them permission to do that?” I said, “It’s web video, you don’t have to ask permission, you just go do it.” Read his blog post here...http://1timstreet.com/blog/the-web-video-community/-Bla...
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FreshDV RED Interviews

Very nice interviews from FreshDV with Ted SchilowitzPart One:freshdvnab10_RED_Discussion1 Direct link:http://www.freshdv.com/2010/04/freshdv-nab-2010-red_pt1.htmlAnd Part Two is here:http://www.freshdv.com/nab(scroll down to "A REDtrospective Part 2)-Bla...
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Jag35.com and DSLR Stuff

Jag35.com sells some pretty cool gadgets for you DSLR video shooters out there... check out their monitors and cage, etc.DSLR Cage Monitor Mounting from jehu Garcia on Vimeo.Direct video link: http://vimeo.com/11121194-Bla...
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FOX's "House" Season Finale Shot on Canon 5D

If you follow the DSLR news you likely know that the recent BIG NEWS was that the season finale of the FOX network show "House" was shot on the Canon 5D. This really is incredible when you think about it.... I mean, a network show can shoot on pretty much ANYTHING they want, including 35mm film - although that is becoming a rarity.

Anyway, as usual, DP Philip Bloom has done a great job of following this and actually scored an interview with the Executive Producer/Director of the show.

Here's a link to his blog with info on the shoot, and also a link to the audio from the interview. Well worth checking out...



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What Do TV Directors Do?

Great article on the difference between TV directors and Movie directors...http://www.slate.com/id/2250789/pagenum/all/-Bla...
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Avid Media Composer V5

A lot of great announcements at NAB including Avid's latest Media Composer version 5... This is a HUGE upgrade. If you haven't heard here's a list of the new features...-Directly access and edit RED files through AMA, without transcoding (images are scaled to HD frame size)-Work natively with QuickTime video formats, including Apple ProRes and H.264-Edit video and audio by dragging and dropping elements in the timeline-Keep high-end finishing projects in-house and gain great color precision with...
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Kevin Smith and the 2nd Annual Streamy Awards

One word describes last night's Streamy Awards ceremony... Sad.If you don't know what I'm talking about read this first:http://www.webseriestoday.com/2010/04/streamys-2010.htmlThese folks do a good job of describing it.So here's my take...I didn't mind that there were tech issues - that happens (although it was ironic that the tech issues started during the Craft Award videos). I didn't mind the poorly written jokes - again, that happens with most awards shows. What I did mind was the overall tone...
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Canon's New Cameras

I personally own a Canon XH-A1 HDV camera and have been very happy with it over the last 3 years. We actually shot two of my web series, PINK and EXPOSED on it with a Letus DOF adapter. So when I heard about the release of the next generation of this camera I was intrigued.

The new version is called the XF300 (and XF305). They are tapeless cameras, which was expected, but what I was surprised about was they will shoot in the 4:2:2 color space at 50Mbps and onto standard (cost-effective) CF cards. Unlike the Panasonic HVX and the Sony EX series, Canon has chosen to go with the ubiquitous recording media, which I am very happy to hear. The Sony SxS cards and Panasonic's P2 cards are great, but they're also very expensive (yeah, still) costing upwards of $1000 or more depending on size (some smaller capacity cards are cheaper).

The Canon actually uses the same kind of cards my Canon 7D DSLR camera uses, which is pretty cool (and pretty interesting...). I wonder if Canon will "blend" this line of cameras with it's DSLR cameras in the future? This new XF300 uses 1/3" CMOS chips now (three of them instead of the one used in the DSLR), so why not give it one big one like the 7D or the 5D? Talk about a great camera! But I digress...

The new Canon XF cameras will be on display at NAB next week and available to buy in June. I'm not quite ready to get a new camera this summer, but come this fall I'll likely be an owner of one of these (btw, not to use instead of the 7D - which I love - but to use on corporate and commercial jobs that require more of an ENG or "run and gun" style of shooting).

Read more about the camera here...


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New Blog Look

I'm trying out some new looks, so this is a test and also to let folks know that it's a work-in-progress. :) Thanks!UPDATE: For some reason my Date Badges aren't updating, so sorry for the sloppy look, but I am working on it...UPDATE #2: Okay, the Badge dates appear to be working now... coo...
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Who Am I?

I'm a filmmaker who's produced & directed five feature films including the comedy SPILT MILK (available on iTunes), the new horror/thriller PHOBIA (on iTunes) and the action/thiller KILLING DOWN (which you can buy or rent at pretty much all the usual places).

I also created the Streamy and Webby award-winning web series PINK, which to date has been viewed online around 10 MILLION times at places like YouTube, Hulu, Koldcast and TheWB.com. And speaking of TheWB.com, I also produced and directed an online thriller for them called EXPOSED. It was released summer 2010. And most recently I created a new online sci-fi series called CONTINUUM, which is part of the online indie TV network JTS.tv - Just The Story and NOW available via VOD through indie platform Distrify.

Oh, and I don't shoot weddings. Thanks for asking though.

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