
Season 2 of "88 Hits" Premieres Today!

Please check out our NEW episode of "88 Hits" on Koldcast TV...Direct link:!Bla...
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Jason Priestley and Jordan Levin Interview

Nice interview about the new WB web series "The Lake". Jordan Levin is the CEO of Generate... they also produce my show "Pink".-Bla...
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NEW: Koldcast Studios

Koldcast TV is a player in the Web TV distro business, and now they're stepping in to the productiong side of things opening a studio to create original programming. This is a great thing for New Media in my opinion, but the pioneers before them have died a quick death... 60Frames anyone? However, since Koldcast already has a nice sized audience to their destination site ( they have a head start on the competition, and not to mention a very driven and enthusiastic founder/CEO in...
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Do You Want to Date My Avatar?

Check out this fun new music video from Felicia Day and her show "The Guild"...-Bla...
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"The Lake" - New Web Series

Check out "The Lake"... a new web series from Generate (the company that co-produces "Pink" with us). The show is directed by Jason Priestly of 90210 fame. If you like good soapy dramas, then you'll like this. Btw, my next series "Exposed" premieres on soon too.Watch...Hulu TheWB iTunes-Bla...
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Molly Ringwald talks John Hughes...

Interesting piece written by Molly Ringwald on her mentor John Hughes... actually hadn't spoken to him for nearly 20 years!-Bla...
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Spotlight on Local DFW Films

Nice story from the Fort Worth Star Telegram on my friend Russ Pond's feature film "Fissure" and its DVD release - and at the bottom of the article a "Spilt Milk" mention...
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RIP John Hughes (1950-2009)

Too many great folks are leaving us too early! John Hughes is/was one of my favorite filmmakers. Very sad day today...Check out this nice montage of some of his films cut to The Who's "Teenage Wasteland":-Bla...
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10 Lessons from a Studio Exec on Web Series

MUST READ!!! Great post on "lessons" for producing online content from Tubefilter and and exec from 20th Century Fox TV... think "Pink" fits into this mold pretty well!-Bla...
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RIP Blake Snyder (1957-2009)

Very sad that Blake Synder the author of the screenwriting book series "Save The Cat" passed away suddenly of a heart attack. you haven't read his books, you should! They are really good...-Bla...
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Who Am I?

I'm a filmmaker who's produced & directed five feature films including the comedy SPILT MILK (available on iTunes), the new horror/thriller PHOBIA (on iTunes) and the action/thiller KILLING DOWN (which you can buy or rent at pretty much all the usual places).

I also created the Streamy and Webby award-winning web series PINK, which to date has been viewed online around 10 MILLION times at places like YouTube, Hulu, Koldcast and And speaking of, I also produced and directed an online thriller for them called EXPOSED. It was released summer 2010. And most recently I created a new online sci-fi series called CONTINUUM, which is part of the online indie TV network - Just The Story and NOW available via VOD through indie platform Distrify.

Oh, and I don't shoot weddings. Thanks for asking though.

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