
iTimelapse Videos (shot with iPhone)

I downloaded the iTimelapse app for my iPhone and shot these two videos this weekend...First one in my mom's kitchen:And then this one driving from Arlington back to Dallas (and home) and 30 seconds:A few bugs I've found using my version of the iPhone (the original one, not 3G or 3Gs) are it will shoot 25 images and then turn off - but once you turn it back on it will go as long as you set it. The first timelapse was 200 frames shot once every 5 seconds and the second one was 600 frames shot every...
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Amazing Green Screen Work

I've seen some of these things on TV and never would have known... of course the CGI and matte paintings are a critical part of creating the illusion too:Direct link:
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Video Interview with Me

Not used to being on this side of the camera, but here's a quick interview I did with Tim Street about "Pink", web series and Hollywood... is embedded in link above along with brief story, or you can just watch it here:-Bla...
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Two Web TV Articles...

First one covering studios getting more and more involved in Web TV production:Hollywood Adds Money, Talent to Made-for-Web Shows the second piece an interview I did with Koldcast TV (an online Web TV network):Filmmaker Series them out when you have a moment!-Bla...
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Some "Real World" 7D Footage

Really liking the new Canon 7D and so I used it on a commercial shoot I had this week as more or less another "test". The footage turned out great too. Shot it on a small jib and so it added a lot of production value. See for yourself...Canon 7D Used On Jib from Blake Calhoun on Vimeo. The footage was color graded, but I play each raw file first to show the difference in looks. Go to my Vimeo page for more details about f-stops, lenses, etc. This camera is really amazing and especially for the...
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The Rise and Fall of MySpace

Really interesting article about MySpace - where it was in 2005 and where it is now. think they'll be okay if they focus on music and film. The social side of things with friends from high school, family stuff, etc. is Facebook's ground now. I actually never have had a personal MySpace page. I do have one for "Pink" and one for "88 Hits" (that I rarely check anymore).-Bla...
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FlipShare TV

I have a Flip MinoHD camera and really like it. Amazing 720p video in such a small device and for only $200. Flip now has what looks to be a pretty cool new product to easily watch your Flip videos - on your TV.'s $150 and connects wirelessly from your computer to TV. The base has HDMI in too, so it would seem it plays back in HD. I might have just found my first...
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7D Music Video

Just found this on Vimeo. Very cool music video shot on the Canon 7D and a Steadicam all in ONE SHOT. Nice work by all involved...Canon 7D Music Video - Prospect Hill "Roller Coaster" from Enki Studios on Vimeo.Direct link:
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Canon 7D is in the house...

Okay, so I finally got my new 7D. I was supposed to get it a month ago as I pre-ordered it but Best Buy and American Express somehow screwed my order up - and before I realized it there were no more pre-orders. Anyway, finally got it from B&H Photo (my fave online video store anyway). So yesterday on Thanksgiving I took it for a test drive. Here is the footage shot around my house in between courses of turkey and pumpkin pie.Thanksgiving 7D Test from Blake Calhoun on Vimeo.All the footage was...
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"Normal Activity"

Check out this funny parody done by my friends in the comedy troupe Four Day Weekend...Direct link:
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Ken Ober Dies (MTV "Remote Control" host)

Dude... I loved this show! Sadly, the host Ken Ober died this weekend. It's not been reported how. Check out this old episode of MTV's "Remote Control" from 1989. Ah, the glory daze...Here's a direct link:
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All "88 HITS" Eps Now Online

All 21 (hilarious if I may say so) "88 HITS" episodes are now online at Koldcast TV...Check them out hereAnd a DVD is coming soon!Thanks,Bla...
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"Pink" Mention in Bannen Way Article

Nice mention of "Pink" in an article about bringing "TV style" programming to the web like the new series "The Bannen Way"...With high speed internet access becoming available to more people, prosumer video equipment getting cheaper and a trend towards unscripted scripted shows on broadcast and cable TV, the web is becoming the go to place for out of the box original programming. Scripted shows like The Guild, Pink, Legend of Neil, Angel of Death, Ctrl and Childrens' Hospital are bringing TV style...
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2009 Lone Star Film Fest

The Lone Star International Film Festival in Fort Worth, TX starts today... get your tickets now! Looks like a pretty cool
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Natalie Raitano "Pink" TV Interview

Just uploaded a TV interview with Natalie Raitano recorded during the production of "Pink" seasons 1 and 2...Direct link:
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Houston "Pink" Screening

The Houston Film Commission hosted us last week for a screening of several episodes from "Pink" (eps 1-7) along with a Q&A with star Natalie Raitano, editor Cliff Richhart and myself. The screening was a lot of fun and the Q&A was very lively. Very good audience!Here are some pictures from the event (on Facebook):
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Riese - A cool new web series

This show looks to have lots of potential. Only one episode out and not much is revealed yet, but it's really well shot, etc. Check it out...Direct link:
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"Vampire Diaries" Webisodes Shot on Canon 5D

It's really cool that broadcast outfits are now using the Canon 5D (and 7D). SNL did a skit using both cameras for broadcast on NBC, the BBC has used the 5D for show opens, and now the CW Network is using the 5D for its webisodes that accompany the "Vampire Diaries" (these aren't for broadcast, but could be and will live alongside show on Blu-Ray, etc. in the future). Read article here from DV.And you can watch the webisodes here on the CW's site.I will say I am not a fan of the 30p frame rate...
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Canon 1D DSLR Short Film

This was shot with AVAILABLE LIGHT. That's right. No additional lighting. Nothing. Really amazing...param name="flashVars" value="s=ZT0xJmk9Njg2MzQ1ODIwJms9RWVEQ2EmYT0xMDAyNDEyMl9zcWh3RSZ1PXZpbmNlbnRsYWZvcmV0">embed src="//" flashvars="s=ZT0xJmk9Njg2MzQ1ODIwJms9RWVEQ2EmYT0xMDAyNDEyMl9zcWh3RSZ1PXZpbmNlbnRsYWZvcmV0" width="425" height="239" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always">-Bla...
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Web Entertainment Guide Interview

Check out this recent interview I did with the Web Entertainment Guide: talk mainly about "Pink" and the future of web series.-Bla...
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Almost There...

We should get word today or tomorrow from Warner Bros. clearance department for "Exposed". They have been reviewing the final cut along with all the contracts, etc. for the past week. As soon as we get the go ahead we'll deliver the show. And then shortly after that - it should start it's run on Whew! It's been a long tough road to get to this point and I'm excited to finally see what viewers think of the show. I'll post info here as soon as I know an exact release date.-Bla...
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Tubefilter Interview Part 2

Here's the second part to the interview I did with Tubefilter... announced my new sci-fi series too called "Continuum" ( Look for more info soon on this show, along with the new WB series "Exposed" and a hopeful 4th Season of "Pink".Thanks!Bla...
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New Tubefilter Interview

I did an interview with the industry website Tubefilter over the weekend talking web series and "Pink" two-year anniversary. Crazy it's been that long! And my have times have changed. We premiered our first show on MySpace waaaay back in 2007 and now we don't even really check our MySpace page...Here's Part 1 of the interview: 2 will be posted tomorrow.-Bla...
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(Another) Game Changer

The DSLR HD video revolution is continuing and this time with 1080 24p in the new Canon EOS 7D. This camera looks to be really amazing. The body only is $1699, then you'll just need to supply lenses (and any of the EF flavor will work). I won't get into the other tech specs as you can read that elsewhere, but they are impressive especially for the money. I've been on a waiting list for the Panasonic Lumix GH1 for about two months, and now I'm on the waiting list for the Canon 7D. The 7D is (now)...
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Season 2 of "88 Hits" Premieres Today!

Please check out our NEW episode of "88 Hits" on Koldcast TV...Direct link:!Bla...
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Jason Priestley and Jordan Levin Interview

Nice interview about the new WB web series "The Lake". Jordan Levin is the CEO of Generate... they also produce my show "Pink".-Bla...
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NEW: Koldcast Studios

Koldcast TV is a player in the Web TV distro business, and now they're stepping in to the productiong side of things opening a studio to create original programming. This is a great thing for New Media in my opinion, but the pioneers before them have died a quick death... 60Frames anyone? However, since Koldcast already has a nice sized audience to their destination site ( they have a head start on the competition, and not to mention a very driven and enthusiastic founder/CEO in...
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Do You Want to Date My Avatar?

Check out this fun new music video from Felicia Day and her show "The Guild"...-Bla...
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"The Lake" - New Web Series

Check out "The Lake"... a new web series from Generate (the company that co-produces "Pink" with us). The show is directed by Jason Priestly of 90210 fame. If you like good soapy dramas, then you'll like this. Btw, my next series "Exposed" premieres on soon too.Watch...Hulu TheWB iTunes-Bla...
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Molly Ringwald talks John Hughes...

Interesting piece written by Molly Ringwald on her mentor John Hughes... actually hadn't spoken to him for nearly 20 years!-Bla...
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Spotlight on Local DFW Films

Nice story from the Fort Worth Star Telegram on my friend Russ Pond's feature film "Fissure" and its DVD release - and at the bottom of the article a "Spilt Milk" mention...
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RIP John Hughes (1950-2009)

Too many great folks are leaving us too early! John Hughes is/was one of my favorite filmmakers. Very sad day today...Check out this nice montage of some of his films cut to The Who's "Teenage Wasteland":-Bla...
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10 Lessons from a Studio Exec on Web Series

MUST READ!!! Great post on "lessons" for producing online content from Tubefilter and and exec from 20th Century Fox TV... think "Pink" fits into this mold pretty well!-Bla...
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RIP Blake Snyder (1957-2009)

Very sad that Blake Synder the author of the screenwriting book series "Save The Cat" passed away suddenly of a heart attack. you haven't read his books, you should! They are really good...-Bla...
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Hitchcock Storyboard iPhone App

This looks cool...'t find it in the app store yet though!-Bla...
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Online video viewing soars...

Interesting piece from Revolution Blog:It's an epidemic! Online video viewing soars among young web surfers Dan Leahul,, 30 July 2009, 3:20pm LONDON - The number of young adults watching online video on sites like YouTube or video-on-demand is at "near-universal" levels, according to new research.One third of young web users use sites like Hulu everydayA study by Pew Research found that nine in every ten internet users between 18-29 years old watch content on video sharing...
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Get Your Movie on iTunes

A new way to potentially get feature films on iTunes: pretty interesting. There's a one-time "encoding fee" and you still own the rights and make any money your film generates. The "encoding fee" (currently $1295) must be the way Distribber makes money. The fee is about the cost of getting 1000 DVDs made, so it's not that bad! Of course there is no marketing support (besides grassroots social networking), etc. so it's not like the downloads will be huge...
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10 Years After "Star Wars" Ep 1

Interesting interview with the now 20 year old Jake Llyod - the kid actor who played Anakin Slywalker in Star Wars Ep 1...-Bla...
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A Taste of "Spilt Milk"

Nice article out today in the Dallas Morning News about my new film "Spilt Milk":
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First HDSLR movie?

I love all these new DSLR cameras that shoot HD video - the footage looks amazing. So here's a link to some producers claiming they're making the first HDSLR movie:'m on a waiting list for this same camera by the way, the Lumix GH1.-Bla...
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New PINK Twitter Account

Okay, so I have a Twitter account for me (@blake_calhoun), my main production company Loud Pictures (@loudpics), my production company I own with Mike Maden: Alternative Fuel (@altfueltv), and now I have an account for my show "Pink" (@pinktheseries). Catch all that? I used to simply run "Pink" and all things "Loud Pictures" through the one @loudpics account, but I think that FANS of "Pink" might be more interested in a fan-centric Twitter feed instead of a tech/filmmaking/production feed that...
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New Movie - "American Virgin"

Check out this site and trailer for the new film "American Virgin" (previously called "Virgin on Bourbon Street"). It stars Rob Schneider, but also stars Chase Jeffery - a great young actor who is the lead in my WB web series "Exposed" and the co-lead in my recent feature film "Spilt Milk". He's really good...
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48 Hour Film Project-Dallas

I was a judge this year at the 48 Hour Film Project-Dallas. Good event, and some good films. Here's a list of the winners:Best Use of Character"X-Mas Con" by Lonecow ProductionsBest Use of Prop"Keyless Entry" by Pugs and Peanut ButterBest Use of Line of Dialogue"Keyless Entry" by Pugs and Peanut ButterBest Costumes"The Sleepover" by Curtis Needs a RideBest Choreography"A Love Not Standing" by Last Minute Movie MakersBest Special Effects"A Love Not Standing" by Last Minute Movie MakersBest Graphics"The...
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New PAPER HEART Promos (w/Jake Johnson)

Jake Johnson stars in "Paper Heart" with Michael Cera and Charlene Yi. Movie opens in August. They're going around country now promoting the film and a lot of video promos are popping up too. BTW, Jake is also the star of my latest film "Spilt Milk".Paper Heart - Exclusive Interview with BIll Hader! - Watch more Funny VideosEXCLUSIVE Paper Heart Extra - Paul Scheer from Paul Scheer-Bla...
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New Koldcast TV Promo

New Koldcast TV Promo featuring a lot of their current shows including "88 Hits"... -Bla...
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88 HITS Story from Tilzy.TV

Nice piece on my web series "88 Hits":'re really getting some good response from this show.Check it out on KOLDCAST.TV.-Bla...
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"Spilt Milk" is now wrapped!!! Had a really, really smooth shoot. GREAT cast & crew. I think the movie is going to be very good. I know the wrap party was. :)Pictures, clips, trailer, etc. all coming soon. We'll be creating a Facebook page and official website soon too. -Bla...
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We're into our 3rd week of production on the indie feature comedy "Spilt Milk". Tomorrow is the start of our final shooting days. Overall things have been going very smooth. Haven't had much time to blog about it here, but if you follow me on Twitter (@blake_calhoun) or are friends with me on Facebook ( I've been updating things there more often. Will definitely post photos and clips here in the coming weeks and months.Talk soon--...
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PINK in HD Video Pro Magazine

There is a good article on web TV including PINK and GEMINI DIVISION in the June 2009 HD Video Pro magazine. It's on most newsstands including places like Barnes and Noble and Borders. Check it out if you can! :)-Bla...
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Another Jake Promo

Here's a funny promo with Jake Johnson for "Paper Heart". This one also features Jack Black (Jake's in my new film I'm directing)...Paper Heart Exclusive!...
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Jake Johnson in PAPER HEART

We booked Jake Johnson in our new film SPILT MILK in the leading role. Here's a trailer for PAPER HEART the Sundance hit film that he stars in with Michael Cera and Charlyn Yi....
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Pre-Pro In Full Swing...

Been really busy this last week with Pre-Production on the new indie feature I'm directing called "Spilt Milk". I'm actually doing a descent amount of "micro blogging" on Twitter, so if your'e interested please follow me @blake_calhoun. I'll likely post things there more often than here (really because it's easily done on my iPhone). :)Anyway, this week we've secured a great grocery store location - a closed down Walmart Neighborhood store. Tough part is dressing it out to look like a working...
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88 HITS listed on eGuiders

Daisy Whitney listed my web comedy "88 HITS" on eGuiders. Very cool!
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88 HITS in WIRED Magazine

My web series "88 HITS" is mentioned in a WIRED Online story called "7 Webotainers Worth Watching"Check it out:
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Casting Notice for Indie Feature (in Dallas)

CASTING NOTICE ---------------------------------------Project Name: SPILT MILKProject Type: Independent Feature FilmProduction Co.: Languishing Productions, LLCRate: SAG Ultra Low (union and non-union actors welcome)Audition Date/Time: Wednesday May 20, 2009 10:00am – 4:00pm (by appointment only)Audition Location: MPS Studios 141 Regal Row Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 630-1655Scheduling Contact: “Spilt Milk” Casting (in email subject line)
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PINK and 88 HITS now on TiVO

If you have a broad-band connected TiVO DVR you can now download episodes of PINK and 88 HITS for FREE.Check it out hereThis is part of our distribution deal with the good folks at Koldcast TV. Thanks to them and to the fans of the shows. :)-Bla...
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Natalie Raitano TV Interview

Check out this fun interview with "Pink" star Natalie Raitano on the Gordon Keith Show...-Bla...
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GH1 Slomo Footage

Slomo footage shot with the new Panasonic GH1 STILL CAMERA...Kauai sunset: Lumix GH1 slow motion from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.Game changer folks, game changer.-Bla...
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New 88 HITS on Koldcast TV Today

New episode "Family Man"... Direct link to video Check it out! -Bla...
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88 HITS now on iTunes and Zune

You can now watch 88 HITS on iTunes and Zune. If you have an iPod, iPhone or Zune simply subscribe and then sync your device and the show will be right there. Oh, and did I mention it's FREE. :)Click here for iTunesClick here for Zune-Bla...
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Tubefilter Story on 88 HITS

Tubefilter did nice piece on Koldcast release of 88 HITS: it out. Thanks!-Bla...
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88 HITS Now Live on Koldcast TV!

Today is the launch of the mock-doc 88 HITS on Koldcast TV. The once proud Pascadelli mob family is now going broke. There are two episodes online now, and then each Tuesday a new episode premieres. Direct link to video Please support the show on KOLDCAST TV! See blurb on NewTeeVee about release of show: (bottom of page) Thanks, Bla...
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Twitter Quitters

A lot of folks (supposedly 60%) who join Twitter end up quitting. But, this is actually a good thing. A lot of people just dont' get it...Read Article-Bla...
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39th Annual USA Film Festival Starts Tonight!

Support Texas film and film showcases! Brian Cox, M. Emmet Walsh, Ray Liotta and more at this year's festival...Check out schedule here:
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Mister Glasses - A Unique Show

This is genius! My favorite current web series. And it's also what's so cool about Web TV... you could NEVER do this show anywhere else.Direct link to episode-Bla...
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We're now partnered with KOLDCAST TV to do a wide release of my latest web serial 88 HITS. New episodes will premiere every Tuesday starting next week 5/5/09.

Check out the teaser though right now:


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NEW Texas Film Incentives!

The new film incentives have passed and are now in play... thing is the minimum qualifications for features is now only $250k... that's going to bring a lot of indie projects into the mix!-Bla...
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New "88 Hits" Episode

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Filmmakers Desert Hollywood

Interesting story from of all places the BBC...Hollywood is being snubbed by its own creative talent. There is something of a stampede by the entertainment industry to get out of town. Long before the global economic downturn kicked in, film-makers were upping sticks and leaving Los Angeles for more cost-effective locations to shoot their movies. Canada was one of the first countries to benefit from Hollywood's so-called runaway productions, but now the competition is closer to home. More than...
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PINK is Webby Award Honoree!

PINK is an Official Honoree at the 13th Annual Webby Awards!Check it outSpeaking for the cast & crew we're well, honored, to be honored out of so many entries (thousands I'm told). Be sure to check out the other Honorees and Nominees too.Thanks!Bla...
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DIY Film Distribution

DIY distribution was the big buzz several years ago, and while it's still a good topic to discuss (or try as an indie filmmaker) it hasn't been talked up much recently. So when I found this article I was reminded of the many alternative ways to distribute indie content...'s one of the better reads on the subject that I've seen. Mainly because it has real world filmmakers' stories and then really good resources to offer to other indie producers.Two...
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Rebuilding New Orleans

I don't typically post too many of my corporate or commercial projects, but this one is different. Did a job for True Value Hardware and Habitat for Humanity down in the 9th Ward of New Orleans...(video image is cropped within this blog page, but if you're on FB you can see it in it's correct widescreen form)What a great cause!-Bla...
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PINK 33: Love and a .45

New episode out today! ONLY TWO more left this season...-Bla...
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NEW Episode of "88 HITS"...

Have you watched my other web series? No not "Pink", but the completely improvised web comedy "88 Hits" starring current and former members of the improv comedy troupe Four Day Weekend. A NEW episode is out today! -Bla...
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12 Seconds of Fame!

After I won the Streamy Award they grabbed me backstage to do a 12 second interview for It's kind of like Twitter for video. You only have 12 seconds. So anyway, here's my moment in the limelight and I went over my 12 second limit as you'll see. :) here's a link to ALL the winners and their 12 seconds (including Natalie Raitano):
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Watch Nat get a Tat...

PINK star Natalie Raitano gets a tattoo in this episode of "California Kickin": Click here to watch video in proper aspect ratio -Bla...
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WINNER BEST DIRECTION in a Dramatic Web Series

I was very fortunate and honored to win the Streamy Award last night for Best Direction in a Dramatic Web Series for PINK!A good friend to the show (and Nataile) posted a video on YouTube that was recorded off his computer from the live stream...For more info visit you to all the fans who watch and support the show!!!-Bla...
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Texas Film Scene Podcast

I was interviewed for a cool new podcast called the "Texas Film Scene" from Curtis Wayne. You can subscribe on iTunes or just download the individual episode (#6)iTunes LinkCheck it out!Bla...
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Top 5 Online Video Providers

The numbers are in, and the winner is...YouTube, of course.But, Hulu is now #2 and making great strides - and actually has a good chance of becoming more financially successful in the long run (YouTube doesn't make money...yet).YouTube had 5.1 billion streams in February (yes, billion with a "b"), and Hulu had 308.8 million.Advertisers seem to be much more inclined to work with Hulu because of their content, not their numbers. Professionally produced TV shows and movies, along with short form series...
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Midgets vs. Mascots Teaser

Check out this teaser for the upcoming film "Midgets vs. Mascots" starring none other than Gary Coleman. I know the producers of the film (from Dallas). Although I'll withhold their names to protect the guilty... :)Teaser is surprisingly funny. It's like "Borat" meets "Jackass".-Bla...
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First Look-Canon EOS 5D Mark II

Descent "first look" at the new Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera that shoots both stills and 1080p HD video...'m very interested in this move towards DSLR cameras and HD video (the way we shot "Pink" and "Exposed" was with a 35mm adapter and SLR lenses on an HD camera, so this would be similar, but better). I will likely not buy this one though since right now it doesn't shoot 24p (only 30p). However, it will definitely have this option soon, maybe as a firmware update...
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Angel of Death Review

Good piece on Angel of Death (see previous post to watch series)...
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Okay, okay, I'll join! You can now follow me (Loud Pictures) on Twitter... you aren't on Twitter yet, just sign up. It's easy and pretty cool actually. I'll update the progress of all the various projects I'm involved with from web series to feature films. So check it out!-Bla...
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Streamy Awards Nominations

"Pink" has been honored at the 1st Annual Streamy Awards by being nominated twice for two awards. First one is Best Directing in a Dramatic Web Series and the second one Best Cinematography in a Web Series. This new event is being pushed as "The Oscars for the Internet". So, it's prett cool. Nominations came from the newly created International Academy of Web Television from over 100,000 submissions.The ceremony will be held at the WGA Theater in Beverly Hills on March 28th. It will also be streamed...
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Angel of Death

Just watch this:From Crackle: Angel of Death Ep 1 "Edge" starring Zoe BellThe days of "indie" web series are quickly coming to an end. This is really good stuff, but it's going to be very hard for lower-budget (and lower profile) web series producers to compete. This is a good and bad thing IMHO. -Bla...
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Movie Tax Incentives Website

Interesting site to check out for Movie Tax Incentives and Credits: only has recent news, but also list each state and what they offer. Nice resource.-Bla...
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Maybe this is why he didn't win the Oscar?

...can you imagine his speech at the Kodak Theater...? ...
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Director Jon Keeyes Podcast Interview

Good interview with my friend Jon Keeyes. He's a fellow Texas filmmaker. I'm actually mentioned a few times along with "Pink" and the upcoming show "Exposed" (which Jon worked on too).Check out the podcast here with Curtis Wayne.-Bla...
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Joss Whedon Talks New Media

Really GREAT Joss Whedon interview talking about monetizing content, new media (and TV & Film) and his experience with "Dr. Horrible"... A MUST READ.Click here for article-Bla...
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Sony's New Device (from The Onion)

Careful with this one at work or around the kiddos. It's Rated R, but definitely check it out. Funny stuff!-Bla...
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New Texas Film Incentives Bill

So far, I've produced all my projects in Texas (and some in Oklahoma). I'd really like to see our state step-up with the incentives to compete with neighboring states like Louisiana and New Mexico. We're losing lost of project to those folks...-----------------------------------AUSTIN, Texas - Texas lawmakers who pressed for state film incentives two years ago said they have filed new legislation intended to further entice movie, television and video game producers to bring their cast and crews...
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More Christian Bale Fun...

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Generate Seals Fox TV Deal

Generate is the company that produces and distributes my show "Pink", and they also manage Mike Maden and myself (as individuals and through our production company Alternative Fuel)...They just inked a deal to develop and produce new scripted fare for 20th Century Fox Television. This is great news!Read Variety article here and note a mention to a certain web series. :)-Bla...
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07 as a Web Contender

Descent piece in the NY Times about and their approach to web video ("Exposed" is not mentioned in article though, but that's okay). Show's premiere date is still TBA...Read article-Bla...
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PINK 24 Now Online!

Click here to Watch in HD-Bla...
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Holy F-Bomb Batman!

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PINK in Texas Monthly

PINK is featured in the new February issue of Texas Monthly magazine. Article can be viewed online or on news stands (in Texas). Registration is required to read online, but it's quick and painless (and FREE). However, if you'd prefer to just read the text I've copied it into this post (no photos, etc. here)...------------------------------------------------------February 2009Bottoms UpHow Texans in Hollywood are overturning the traditional top-down content Christopher KellyMeet Natalie...
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You can also rent KILLING DOWN at any one of the Red Box DVD Rental installations outside Walgreens, Walmarts and other retailers...RED BOX DVD RENTALOnly $1/day. Nice to see in these tough economic times that everyone can afford to rent my movie. :)-Bla...
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PINK Season 3 Online Now!

PINK 21: Speed Dating Kills 2Click here to watch in HD!Also, nice mention of premiere on Tubefilter. Check it out!-Bla...
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Killing Down on Blockbuster Shelf...

I couldn't resist! I rented my movie last night at the Blockbuster near my house. And so I took a picture of the DVD box on the shelf. There's two slots right near some Big Time Movies like "Iron Man" and "Juno". Okay, yeah, so this is my first movie to get wider distribution and I'm kinda geeking out on it. C'mon, you would too, trust me. :)

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Who Am I?

I'm a filmmaker who's produced & directed five feature films including the comedy SPILT MILK (available on iTunes), the new horror/thriller PHOBIA (on iTunes) and the action/thiller KILLING DOWN (which you can buy or rent at pretty much all the usual places).

I also created the Streamy and Webby award-winning web series PINK, which to date has been viewed online around 10 MILLION times at places like YouTube, Hulu, Koldcast and And speaking of, I also produced and directed an online thriller for them called EXPOSED. It was released summer 2010. And most recently I created a new online sci-fi series called CONTINUUM, which is part of the online indie TV network - Just The Story and NOW available via VOD through indie platform Distrify.

Oh, and I don't shoot weddings. Thanks for asking though.

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