My last feature film KILLING DOWN is now available in the U.S. and Canada on DVD.

You can buy or rent it starting Tuesday 1.06.09 at these places, and others:
Best Buy
I haven't even seen the final DVD with all the menus, commentary, extras, etc. so I'm really looking forward to checking it out - and I hope you are too! :)
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Saturday, December 27, 2008
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Watch this short video, then go to the PINK Website and enter for a chance to win a new HD camcorder...Sweepstakes ends 1.11.09. Winner announced 1.13.09 (the day of the new Season 3 premiere). Tell your friends too!Good luck!Bla...
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
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Please watch this video and see previous post about voting:If you go directly to YouTube to watch this you can actually now see it in HD: cool.-Bla...
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Thursday, December 11, 2008
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Let your voice be heard by helping us create a "Greatest Hits" show! Just watch the episodes below and then vote in the poll on the PINK blog. The Top 3 "hits" will be used to create the new "Greatest Hits" episode as voted on by you. And check back soon to find out how to enter and win a cool prize during our upcoming "Fan Appreciation" Giveaway.PINK 1: MUFN HitPINK 5: Wedding HitPINK 7: Bob HitPINK 10: Marko HitPINK 14: Dating HitVoting ends 12/18/08. Please go vote today! Thank you!-Bla...
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Thursday, December 4, 2008
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If you visit YouTube often you might have noticed something new recently, the most popular video sharing site on the planet has (finally) gone widescreen 16x9 aspect ratio.As all HD cameras shoot 16x9 this only makes sense. Also, most of the newer sites Out There such as or, etc are widescreen too. And even some of the ones that have been around a while like Blip.TV and Vimeo are widescreen (and this made them more popular with filmmakers and film fans).YouTube still accepts...
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Friday, November 28, 2008
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I spoke on a panel at the Lonestar International Film Festival last weekend, and so did my friend Julio Cedillo - and he was kind enough to share a few pictures...
That's him on the far right, along with Lauren Vélez from "Dexter" and I'm not sure who the guy is - at the bottom is Kim Matula, star of "PINK" Season 2 and my upcoming show "Exposed".

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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Filmmakers out there likely know about, but others may not. It's a really cool video sharing site that allows HD uploads - one of the only ones I know of with this feature (you can also embed the video files on other sites). The viewership on Vimeo seems to mainly be other like-minded filmmakers and artists, etc. - not necessarily "regular video joes", but they have around 1 million registered users I've been told (a fraction compared to YouTube). But nonetheless it is a great place...
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008
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Check out the latest episode (and the mysterious person from Nate's past who appears this week)....
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
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I've been asked to speak on a few panels at this year's event (I did it last year too and it was a good time). Also, they asked me to be a juror for their Short Film Competition, which I accepted. Here's a press release about the upcoming festival...LSIFF ‘08 HAS ARRIVED!!!Opening Night is just 5 days away!ON SALE NOW: Tickets and Passes for ALL screenings!TO PURCHASE CLICK HEREOpening Night Screening The Second Annual Lone Star International Film Festival will open on Wednesday, November 12...
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Friday, November 7, 2008
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This is more of a techie related item, but good for Regular Joes to know too. :) HDMI cables are becoming the standard for HDTV's and consumer/prosumer cameras. Shoot some video and play it back in HD via an HDMI cable. Or, hook up a Blu-Ray player or gaming system via HDMI.Problem with the cables though is they just "slip in" the connector. They do not lock in place even like an RCA cable does, or especially like a BNC cable (HD/SDI).I have personally experienced this being a problem. My DirecTV...
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Friday, November 7, 2008
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Very cool music video for Low Vs. Diamond and the song "Heart Attack"...
It's mainly a "single shot" of two people kissing and then rapidly aging. Seamless visual effect work.
There's a link on the page to watch video, then you can read article about how they did it.
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Thursday, November 6, 2008
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Thursday, November 6, 2008
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Friday, October 31, 2008
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2008 Audi R8 Camera Car...
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Friday, October 31, 2008
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Wow, technology does change fast. The Nikon D90 was getting a lot of buzz (and still is), but now the new Canon EOS 5D Mark II is REALLY creating buzz.It too is an SLR camera that shoots video - but at 1920x1080 instead of 720p of the Nikon. Only "bad" thing is it currently doesn't shoot 24p - but I believe it will soon.Check out this really great video shot on the camera.Now I know what I want for Christmas. :)-Bla...
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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Check out HD video from the Nikon D90 SLR still camera. Yeah, an SLR still camera. Amazing. This will shake things up for sure, especially in the indie film world.And read full review from NY Times here.-Bla...
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Thursday, October 23, 2008
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My friends in Big Fantastic produce the show Prom Queen (and also Sorority Forever that's on now) and they just released the series on DVD.

You can buy it at Amazon for $17.99.
Please support New Media shows! We're going to release PINK on DVD in the near future too.
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
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While I hope you watch PINK when you have a chance (see post below), I'd also like you to check out my side project "88 Hits". New episode also online today... ...
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
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We're rolling them out... please SUBSCRIBE on YouTube so you won't miss an episod...
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
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Okay, a minor victory, but finally got "Pink" listed on - the de facto site for film and TV listings (and cast & crew). Been trying since July 2007. They wouldn't accept it since it's a "web series". But now, they changed their tune I'm happy to report (however, it wasn't me that got it listed - I have no idea how, but just glad it's there... I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with show now being on's the listing:
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Thursday, October 9, 2008
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Beware...October 9, 2008 - SAN FRANCISCO - Savvy Internet users know that downloading unsolicited computer programs is one of the most dangerous things you can do online. It puts you at great risk for a virus or another time bomb from a hacker. But even some sophisticated surfers could get taken in by a sneaky new attack in which criminals create fake YouTube pages - dead-on replicas of the real site - to push their malicious software and make it look like it's safe stuff coming from a trusted...
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Thursday, October 9, 2008
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Interesting video here from TV Week about web shows and advertisers (specifically mentions "Pink" and our deal with shows and Web sites are starting to go steady. Michael Eisner’s latest Web series Back on Topps runs exclusively on before other sites get it. The same goes for the popular show Pink, which plays on before it releases to other sites. For more details on why Web producers are going steady, check out this week’s episode of the New Media Minute.You’ll...
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008
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KERA Art & Seek Blog: of an odd story considering the blogger didn't interview me (the producer and director) or Mike Maden (the writer). But hey, I'm glad they covered the shoot. :)-Bla...
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Friday, October 3, 2008
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Nice mention of PINK on the SheTeeVee blog:
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Friday, October 3, 2008
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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We wrapped "Exposed" this weekend. Shoot went great. I'll post details here soon, but right now I need to get some rest... :)

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Monday, September 29, 2008
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Somebody has some extra time on their hands....
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Monday, September 29, 2008
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Our PR company got PINK on the Reuters digital billboard in Times Square! It was up for about 12 hours on the premiere date 9/16...

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Saturday, September 27, 2008
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Mike Maden and I are profiled in "Ad Age" under their "Web Video Report": asked us mainly about PINK, but also about the new show EXPOSED and kinda got the two mixed up. Read the article and you'll see what I'm talking about. :)Nice piece either way though, and hey, they even spelled our names right!-Bla...
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Thursday, September 25, 2008
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The good folks at YouTube have featured the new Season 2 of "Pink" and we just want to say THANK YOU!You can check out the new episode her...
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
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You wanna watch "Friends", "The O.C.", "Roswell", "PINK"?!?Very cool news... PINK is now on! it out when you can. They even cut a cool promo for the show! It is weird, but great, to see PINK along side these big network shows.-Bla...
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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PINK Season 2 premieres TODAY on and tomorrow everywhere else (including YouTube, Myspace, Revver, Blip, Metacafe, etc.). We have a cool agreement with Vuze where they get a 24 hour exclusive window - and there you can see the episodes in HD.So please check out the first new episode!Thanks!Bla...
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Monday, September 15, 2008
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Okay, so I was going to try and blog daily during production, but that was waaaay too ambitious a thought. What I'm now going to try and do is a weekly blog about production and post.
WEEK ONE went pretty smooth. We have a really great cast & crew. Most I've worked with before, but we do have several shiny new faces onboard too, and they have worked out well so far.
Only major issue is we somehow broke my Letus Extreme 35mm adaptor on the third day of the shoot. Didn't drop it. Didn't hit it. Not sure what happened. But the inside mirror cracked. Luckily, my filmmaker friend Russ Pond owns a Letus as well and so we're now using his until mine gets repaired (which is hopefully very soon).
This week was a six-day week, so today we're all resting (well, I'm actually working on "Pink" and a few other things), but this coming week is a five-day week. We're doing the typical 12 hour days and for the most part hitting that petty well.
One of the coolest things about this shoot is we're actually editing along the way. Cliff Richhart is on-set editor. This is the first time I've done this and I must say it is greatness. Having a rough cut of the scenes you shot in the morning THAT AFTERNOON is a huge help.
Until next week...
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Sunday, September 14, 2008
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So we start principle photography tomorrow on the new WB web series "Exposed". I'm going to try and post some blog entries along the way. But if you've ever worked on any film project you know that time is always short, so I'll do the best I can.Today we're doing our last minute stuff after three weeks of pre-pro. I'm about to go home and watch the Cowboy game to clear my mind. But afterwards I have to work on my shot list and storyboards for tomorrow. So, no adult beverages during the game....
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Sunday, September 7, 2008
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Interesting article on "web video" studios... the piece:Hollywood is gearing up to create what would be the first big Web hit. However, when an online show finally does break out into mainstream popularity, it may not come from traditional entertainment companies. Rather, the most successful Internet television programs could emerge from a handful of online TV networks that already are producing high-quality episodic content for the Web,...
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Sunday, September 7, 2008
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New season 2 episodes start 9/16/08.-Bla...
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008
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Gearing up to shoot our new WB web series "Exposed" on 9/8/08. Here are two teasers promoting the new site...Check it out
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Friday, August 29, 2008
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If you're an actor please do the following:1. PUT A DEMO REEL ONLINE FOR PRODUCERS TO SEE2. BE ABLE TO VIDEOTAPE YOURSELF FOR AN AUDITIONWe live in the "Internet Age", yet I'm constantly surprised that actors do not have an online reel, or that they can't shoot video of themselves. I understand if you don't have footage for a reel - okay. But you should AT LEAST have a MySpace page with pictures, resume, etc. Yeah sure, if you have an agent they'll have this stuff too. But market YOURSELF. ...
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Thursday, August 21, 2008
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Nice mention of our new show "Exposed" in Variety today... it out when you have a moment.-Bla...
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Monday, August 18, 2008
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Check out the latest teaser video from "88 Hits" right now on YouTube. Show premieres 09.09.08.-Bla...
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
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This is very, very funny...and here's Part One.-Bla...
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
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Got this notice today from Revver...We're featuring your video "88 Hits" on Wednesday, 8/13 on RevverLive, our new live web show produced in collaboration with The hour-long show airs live daily at 1pm PST and features the best and most conversation-sparking Revver videos, with rotating hosts using LiveVideo's robust social video platform to interact with viewers in real-time via video and text chat. The immediacy with which fans can participate in conversations about your videos...
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
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Hulu is owned by FOX and NBC. So we're very happy to have "Pink" on the site. Later in September it will all be in HD too (and will eventually include our new Season 2 episodes). Check it out: Thanks!Bla...
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Monday, August 11, 2008
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So this is not filmmaking per se, but it does deal with visual effects...Some of the fireworks during the Olypics opening ceremony were evidently fake! Hmmm. I realize it's entertainment, but it's also a "news" event. So that is really close to crossing the line IMHO.Read entire story here.-BlakeUPDATE 8/12/08: So, another fake out by the Chinese! Now they're saying the little girl who sang during the opening ceremoney didn't really sing! They pulled a Milli-Vanilli on the entire world... read...
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Monday, August 11, 2008
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If you haven't checked out Vimeo yet, you should. It's another one of many web video sharing sites - but this one is different. Mainly because it is one of the first to allow users to upload HD video. And it also plays it back for viewers in a streaming flash player that looks really good. I have a new page on the currently have the first "DIY's Guys" episode up and the "88 Hits" teaser (this was shot in SD though). Anyway, definitely check out the site when...
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Sunday, August 10, 2008
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First few days of casting have gone well for "Exposed". We're continuing to cast this next week too. So if you are an interested actor, or know of an actor who fits one of the roles. Please contact me at loudpics[@] previous post down this page for character descriptions. The main roles we need more folks to audition for are ALICIA, HENRY and CARLOS.Thanks,Bla...
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Sunday, August 10, 2008
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I found this story to be interesting and pretty funny too...August 6, 2008 - MEXICO CITY -- This weekend, thousands of Mexicans will line up at theaters to see "The Knight of the Night," "Super Agent 86" and "The End of Time." Never heard of them? Those are the literal translations of the Spanish titles given to "The Dark Knight," "Get Smart" and "The Happening," examples of the marketing tactics that can leave cinephiles baffled as Hollywood reaches out to increasingly important foreign audiences....
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008
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Good article called "They're Spinning Their Own Web" in the LA Times about web series productions. I know several of the filmmakers, distributors, agents, etc. mentioned... good group of folks.THE SCREEN ACTORS GUILD and television and film producers see eye to eye about hardly anything these days, yet on one thing they can agree: The Web is the battleground.Talks between SAG and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers have ground to a halt, and a possible work stoppage looms....
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008
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Monday, August 4, 2008
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We're now casting for "Exposed" - the new web series for looking for these roles:1. Henry - Caucasion/20-25/Athletic2. Alicia - Hispanic/18-223. Chase - Caucasion/20-254. Gail - Caucasion/18-225. Carlos - Hispanic/40-506. Dimitri - Caucasion (Russian)/17-217. Ulanyov - Caucasion (Russian)/45-558. Priest - Caucasion/40-60We also have a lot of day player roles we'll be announcing soon too.If you are interested please send an email to loudpics[@] with your headshot and...
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Sunday, August 3, 2008
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Pretty cool...I'll have to give this a try! Video Cam Super Trick! - video powered by Metacafe-Bla...
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Friday, July 25, 2008
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Okay, so Netflix is, well, Netflix. They are not and were not a huge player in Independent film financing and distribution, but they tried to be. And now they're closing Red Envelope's doors. I'm sure they'll still look at indie films for Netflix distribution, but it sounds like not near as much as they once did. The article below says they are shutting down the operation because they "didn't want to compete" with Hollywood studios (their customers). While I'm sure there is a slighty bit of...
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Thursday, July 24, 2008
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I always like to see film production and film financing out of Texas and I hope this one succeeds. But I've known several groups trying this over the years and none have worked out (yet). This one might have the right ingredients though based on the below article. You have true money managers running the investment fund (with an existing client base), and then "movie" people running the production side. It could work...
So you wanna be in (independent) pictures? Now you can, for $50,000

Fort Worth money manager launches fund with hopes of hitting upon the next 'Juno’
By some estimates, 7,000 to 8,000 independently produced films are completed each year. Most never see the light of a projector bulb.
But some do, and a few, most recently Juno, go on to pull in millions of dollars at the box office, video store and syndication. Now a Fort Worth money manager wants to give well-heeled investors a shot at participating in a winner without taking too much of a bath on the inevitable losers.
Riley Hutto Wealth Management said it has created Independent Film Capital Llc., in partnership with Los Angeles-based IndieVest, a 2-year-old firm that will review scripts and oversee film production and distribution. Riley Hutto’s job is find people with at least $50,000 to invest in independent films.
Bill Riley and Greg Hutto started their firm in January after working together in the investments industry for a decade. They are the first in what IndieVest founder Wade Bradley hopes will be a stable of investment advisers who will offer his company’s films to accredited investors, generally described as individuals whose net worth exceeds $1 million.
Investing in movies
Riley said the path to Independent Film Capital started when he was looking for alternative investments — instruments other than stocks and bonds — to offer his clients.
Big foundations and endowments put sizable portions of their assets in real estate, commodities and private equities, he thought, so why not offer something similar to affluent investors?
Movies got into the picture when he met Bradley, a venture capitalist who was looking for financial support for his company. Bradley’s concept is to take some of the risk out of film investing by forming a kind of "one-stop shop" that connects investors with film projects that he has screened and — perhaps most importantly — can assure distribution in theaters.
Do indies make money?
How many independent films actually make money?
Hard numbers are difficult to come by, because although box-office receipts can be had, movie budgets and distribution expenses are rarely public. Likewise, ticket sales are only a part of a film’s earnings. Video rentals and sales, plus TV licensing, can far outearn the original box office.
In 2007, 751 newly released films played in theaters at some time during the year, according to The Numbers, an industry news service. Right in the middle of those films, as ranked by box-office receipts, was Broken English, a romance distributed by Magnolia Pictures, the company owned by Dallas entrepreneur Mark Cuban and partner Todd Wagner.
Broken English played in 41 theaters at its peak and grossed just under $1 million during the year, according to The Numbers.
Cuban, in an e-mailed response to the Star-Telegram, said that as challenging as it is merely for an independent film to get produced and distributed, "doing any box office at all . . . is even more difficult."
Distribution in the nation’s more than 5,000 theaters is a huge hurdle. About 600 films a year are rated by the Motion Picture Association of America for U.S. distribution. Big studios produce 200 to 250 of those. Independents vie for the rest of the spots.
IndieVest, as part of its pitch, guarantees distribution. Bradley said his strategy is to first place a film in 25-50 theaters the first week. That keeps down his distribution costs, the biggest being production of prints and advertising, collectively termed P&A.
"At the end of the day, we decide whether it’s gaining traction," he said of a film’s early screenings. If it is, he ups distribution to perhaps 200 theaters, then 500, up to as many as 1,500 theaters.
Starring Steve Buscemi
IndieVest principals include Mark Burton, who was executive producer for Water, nominated for an Oscar last year in the foreign-language-film category.
Its advisory board includes actors Don Cheadle (Hotel Rwanda, Crash, Boogie Nights) and Liev Schreiber (The Painted Veil, TV’s CSI: Crime Scene Investigation).
Bradley said the company is about to start filming its first project, titled Saint John of Las Vegas, featuring Steve Buscemi, the hapless and horny kidnapper-turned-murderer in Fargo.
The film has a $10 million budget. That’s considered relatively low in the business these days, but enough to provide a shot at bankable personnel and a competent script.
A "moderate" scenario detailed in investor materials envisions the film bringing in $21.6 million in net revenue and returning about $6.5 million to investors. Under a "low" scenario, it brings in just $3.4 million and returns nothing.
Cuban said in his email that he tries to improve an independent film’s economics by distributing it via his own Landmark Theaters, Magnolia Video and HDNet, the high-definition television channel he launched in 2001. He just started a new strategy of releasing films first on HDNet’s video-on-demand service, hoping to build some buzz before the film’s theatrical premiere.
"Leveraging the promotion of the VOD on cable and satellite allows us to be more precise in our P&A spending, which in turn leads to profitability on not all, but more of our releases," Cuban wrote.
Harold Vogel, principal of Vogel Capital Management in New York and author of Entertainment Industry Economics, said investing in movies is not for the faint-of-heart.
But he thinks IndieVest is going about it the right way.
"I admire the innova- tiveness of their structure," Vogel said, because it provides the equivalent of a reality check on a filmmaker’s hopes.
Riley Hutto added its own wrinkle to risk management by packaging investments in units that include five different films. Averaging out the returns of several movies, Riley said, should lessen the chance of suffering a total loss while boosting the chance of landing a hit.
Vogel also liked that idea.
"That’s the correct approach," he said. "Never invest in just one film. The smart way is to get a portfolio of projects that spreads the risk.
Riley said his Independent Film Capital project has been well received by clients.
"They know it’s risk capital, and it’s fun," he said. "If you’re an investor, your name is on the credits as one of the producers."
Click here to see actual article at Fort Worth Star-Telegram site.
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Sunday, July 20, 2008
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Been meaning to post this for a while... The new show I'm producing/directing is called "Exposed" and will premiere online at The site needs Beta Testers right now to help build the new community. It's a very cool website (yeah, I joined). You can already watch hit shows like "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", "One Tree Hill", "Friends", "The O.C.", "Gilmore Girls", etc. and soon you'll be able to see their new "Original Content" for the web - and one of the shows is "Exposed". There...
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008
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A few years back I directed a feature film called "HIT". It did pretty well at film festivals, with critics, etc., but I never landed a full-fledged distribution deal. Yeah, I had some offers here and there but they really were not very good. In fact, I've been planning to do a self-distribution release of the film for a while now.Well, since I've had some recent success with "PINK" online I've decided to release a web series version of "HIT" called "88 HITS". We're also talking to some folks...
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008
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This is a link to a blog posting of Mike Curtis. Great rant on indie film...From the piece:“Of the 5,000 films submitted to Sundance each year—generally with budgets under $10 million—maybe 100 of them got a U.S. theatrical release three years ago. And it used to be that 20 of those would make money. Now maybe five do. That’s one-tenth of 1%. Put another way, if you decide to make a movie budgeted under $10 million on your own tomorrow, you have a 99.9% chance of failure.” Check out entire article...
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Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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New film from David Fincher (who I really like) shot digitally on The Viper camera. But beyond the great visuals I think the story is very interesting. Stars Brad Pitt.Watch it here-Bla...
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Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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June 30, 2008 - Google, which has largely stayed away from producing its own content, is experimenting with a new method for distributing original material on the Web, and some Hollywood film financiers are betting millions that the company will succeed. In September, Seth MacFarlane, creator of an American television series called "The Family Guy," will introduce a carefully guarded new project called "Seth MacFarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy." Unlike "Family Guy," which airs on the Fox television...
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Monday, June 30, 2008
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My last feature film KILLING DOWN is slowly starting to pop up in places around the globe. As you know distribution is very difficult to get and then once you do get it (if you get it) it's usually a slow go for the film to be released.
Sold the foreign rights back in fall of 2006 (at the American Film Market) and just two months ago it was released in Greece on DVD (several other territories have been sold, but movie has just not been released yet). That's it so far, until now.
My friend Julio Cedillo, and on of the leads of KILLING DOWN was in Mexico last week on a film shoot. He went back to his hotel to get some rest, turned on the TV and low and behold KILLING DOWN was on Movie City - I assume this is like a premium cable channel in Latin America. This is the first I'd heard of the film showing up on television. And it's pretty cool I must say. Never happened to me before in the 12 years I've been trying to get stuff produced and sold. So we're all pretty pumped about it. As a matter of fact, Julio was so pumped he actually took a picture of the TV screen. Thanks Julio!
If anyone else is traveling abroad and sees the movie on TV or in a DVD store, etc. PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I'm very interested to hear how it plays to audiences. I pretty routinely check for comments, reviews, ratings, etc. and they too are starting to trickle in.
BTW, the U.S. DVD will tentatively be released December 3rd this year.
So hopefully over time people will get a chance to check out the movie and enjoy it. As a filmmaker that's really all you can hope for.
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Saturday, June 28, 2008
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Good article in the WSJ about Bollywood bringing capital into Hollywood (mainly India's Reliance Big Entertainment to invest in DreamWorks). One of my entertainment attorney's Mark Litwak is quoted in the story...Foreign financiers are one set of investors who have knocked on Hollywood's door for years, trying to make money by financing films -- a nearly impossible task. "Frankly, most movie deals don't make a lot of financial sense because while some films make money, most films either break...
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
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This is very interesting and relevant for "Pink" and mobile distribution...June 20, 2008 - LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--QuickPlay Media, a leading provider of mobile TV and video solutions, has revealed the results of an independent Market Tools survey focused on mobile TV and video consumption in the UK.The research found that there are several barriers preventing people from consuming TV and video content on their mobile phones, including a lack of awareness of the mobile TV and video services offered...
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Friday, June 20, 2008
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It really sucks to be in independent film right now. Another "indie" label has bit the dust...June 5, 2008 - LOS ANGELES -- Paramount Pictures said Wednesday it will combine its marketing, distribution and production functions with indie label Paramount Vantage. Rob Moore, vice chairman of Paramount Pictures, said in a statement provided Wednesday that the combination of the two Los Angeles-based units of Viacom Inc. will be more efficient. The merger will initially result in the loss of three...
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Thursday, June 5, 2008
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Hey ANY press is good press! "Pink" got a small mention in the Hollywood Reporter today...
Check it out here.
I didn't realize the series was a "cult hit". :)
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008
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The first Netflix player has been released and it looks like a really good start. It's called the Netflix Player by Roku.Check out a review here at CNET It's only $100 and then whatever your monthly Netflix subscription rate is. So in essence the movies you download and watch are "free". Box has HDMI and component out and it's also wireless or can be connected to a network. Video quality is so-so, but you're streaming instantly off the web so it really depends on your broadband connection speed....
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Friday, May 30, 2008
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Good article this morning in USA Today featuring many talent agents, including the guys at UTA they rep me and "Pink". Also, they interview several filmmakers who have current or upcoming web projects online (however, ahem, they didn't talk to Mike or myself about "Pink" - I think we need a new publicist). ;)
"There's a huge cultural change going on out there," Nadler says (from UTA). "The model of how people consume their entertainment is totally up in the air."
That's not the only thing up for grabs. The foundation of Hollywood's dominance in pop culture and the entertainment industry is being threatened by the democratizing force of the Internet, which posits that anyone with a snappy idea and a video camera can dish up features to the masses.
As a result, top Hollywood agencies such as UTA, Endeavor and Creative Artists Agency are diligently mining the Web for raw talent. The process quickly has become as crucial to entertainment talent scouts as trawling smoky comedy clubs or screening obscure movies has been for generations.
Click here to read full article
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Friday, May 30, 2008
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Fan of "This Is Spinal Tap"? How about the lead singer Nigel Tufnel? Check out these new interviews with him about Stonehenge - and I'm not talking about Spinal Tap's song either... ;)GOOD STUFF.-BlakeP.S. After following above link, click on Nigel's image on the left side of the page to open video...
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Friday, May 30, 2008
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Always thought of him as an "outsider" inside the Hollywood studio system. Great filmmaker and actor that will be missed.-Bla...
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Thursday, May 29, 2008
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"Foreign Body" is the name of a new web series and a new book by legendary author Robin Cook ("Coma"). The web series premiered yesterday... check it out. It's produced by my friends Big Fantastic. They also produced "Prom Queen" (among many other web series). They are really the pioneers of the serial web space - at least for higher-end, quality, dramatic shows.The series runs through August 4th, and the the new book comes out right after the show ends....
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
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This is a new term to me... "Upfront". I'm just learning about this although I've actually known what it was, just not the actual name.An Upfront is an event the networks put on to showcase their new series (ie. pilots) to advertisers. But it goes beyond just series these days. For example, NBC Universal has many, many offerings to buyers...(Zucker was eager to remind advertisers that) "you can buy mobile, you can buy digital, you can buy cable ... you can buy Olympics, you can buy football...
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Friday, May 23, 2008
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Been very busy recently with the post-production on PINK. We're trying to get all 25 episodes cut by the end of this month - rough cut that is. Then finished by mid next month (or so). It's a ton of work. Basically we're editing a feature length project. But it's all going very, very well. Everything (pretty much) is cutting together nicely.Oh sure, we have the occasional moment of, "Why didn't I get a close-up shot of that?" - or, "Stage line, what stage line? Let's just flop the shot to...
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Sunday, May 18, 2008
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Two good videos on YouTube from the Roger Waters show last night... pig went right over our heads as you can see from my photos in previous post. But the videos really tell the story!-Bla...
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Saturday, May 3, 2008
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Saturday, May 3, 2008
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