Please check it out:http://pinktheseries.blogspot.comNot much content on it yet, but will be a good resource for info regarding the series as time goes on.Also, we'll be doing polls you can vote on at least once a month, so definitely take a moment to excercise your right. Thank you!-Bla...
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Monday, November 26, 2007
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It's been just over one week since we announced the One Million View mark for "Pink" on YouTube. Well, today we just topped Two Million Views. Really incredible.I can't thank the viewers enough along with the editors of YouTube for featuring the show. I don't know the definition of a "viral" video, but I'd say the series is starting to take on a life of it's own and the views are really starting to pile up. It's sure starting to feel viral to me. :)You can watch and subscribe on YouTube here.PLEASE...
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Saturday, November 24, 2007
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Another good article about web series from the WSJ...Check it out-Bla...
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
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"Pink" reached a cool milestone today going past the One Million View mark on YouTube. This is a total for all the episodes. Not too bad considering we've only been online since September, and we've only been featured on YouTube for two weeks!Thank you to the fans of the show (and even to the folks who don't like the show) and also thank you to the editors of YouTube and Revver, and iTunes. You can subscribe to "Pink" on YouTube here. Or subscribe on iTunes here.Thanks for watching!UPDATE:...
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Friday, November 16, 2007
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As of today 11/13/07 "Pink" is the 21st most subscribed to show on YouTube, and the 7th most subscribed to show under the "Directors" banner on YouTube (this is mainly for narrative projects like web series, which is great).Also, we've had 757,339 views since being featured two weeks ago. We're getting close to that 1 million mark. We've actually surpassed that mark if you count all the other places to watch including our Official website, Myspace, Revver, iTunes, and Metacafe.Not too bad. :)...
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
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Interesting article... news for web shows like "Pink".-Bla...
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
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Nice article in USA Today about "slick webisodes" being the missing link to making web video (web series) make it...USA Today ArticleHopefully we're onto something (have you seen "PINK"?). They should have mentioned us too. :)-Bla...
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
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As mentioned in the previous post, I was on two panels at the Lone Star International Film Festival and they both went well.
The first one was quite small, but very interesting. Turns out it was the first panel of the event and they had the address wrong. Plus, it was at 11am on Friday at a first year festival. So, only a few people in room besides us panelist, but again, it was very informitive. This was the New Media panel.
The second one was called Directing Your First Feature and it was much better attended. The room was pretty much full. This was the panel Fred Durst was supposed to be on, but he no showed. Very rock n' roll of him I suppose. However, much to my surprise the other panelist were actually a couple of the guys from Broken Lizard (Jay Chandrasekhar and Paul Soter). The comedy troupe behind such films as "Super Troopers", "Club Dread", "Beerfest", etc. and Jay also individually directed the "Dukes of Hazzard" movie. And Paul has just directed his first feature film "Watching The Detectives". Very nice guys and cool to hear their perspective on making films in the studio system versus indie world.
Here are two pictures of me and the Broken Lizard guys:

The top picture of Paul and I is slightly out of focus (thanks Cliff). :)
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
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The Lone Star International Film Festival starts today in Fort Worth, Texas. It runs November 7-11. Never heard of the festival you say? Well, it's the first one. Actually, it's not really the "first" one... it's the first one under the new entity putting on the event.Back in 1998 a group put on the Fort Worth Film Festival, which was really a great festival. I happen to be fortunate enough to screen my first feature film "Thugs" there. Wes Anderson screened "Rushmore". A lot of good stuff...
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Wednesday, November 7, 2007
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YouTube has apparently taken a liking to "PINK". A couple days ago they featured the show under the "Entertainment" category, but today I just saw where they put it on their MAIN PAGE. Not the main page of the channels, or categories, etc.... THE main page. You type in and PINK Webisode 01 is right there. Very cool stuff indeed. One interesting thing I'm finding is that while we are getting lots of views on the first episode, the subsequent ones aren't near as numerous. Now don't...
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Sunday, November 4, 2007
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