
PINK Featured on YouTube!

Just saw today that PINK has been featured on YouTube. Not sure when this happened or how, but it happened in the last day or so I think.

THANK YOU very much to the editors at YouTube for noticing and featuring the show.

And since we've been featured we've had over 20,000 views on Webisode 01. Pretty cool!

I'm actually in LA this week for several meetings regarding the future of "Pink". Hopefuly more cool news coming soon. :)


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PINK on "Viral The Show"

Nice behind-the-scenes story on the show...Online Videos by Veoh.com Thank you Sunny Gualt and all the folks at Viral and Veoh!-Bla...
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OT: I love GPS

If you travel at all these days you know the feeling of arriving into an unknown town and not having a clue how to get anywhere. I travel quite a bit and routinely get lost. But not anymore. Last year I bought a portable GPS from Magellan and it's the most liberating device I own (besides maybe my cell phone).So this week I'm in Atalanta for a video shoot, which I haven't been to in almost 20 years, and I don't know where I'm going. I get my rental car and turn the GPS on and enter the hotel's...
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Okay, so I've been focusing a lot of my time recently on the new web series "Pink". And BTW, episode #6 is out now so definitely check it out.BUT, my last feature film "Killing Down" has got several things going on with it too...First, just got an update from my foriegn distributor that so far we've sold these territories for DVD (and some TV):1. S.Africa2. Brazil3. Romania4. Italy5. Taiwan6. Albania7. Poland8. Latin America (via an MGM output deal for DVD)This is all really cool news. The DVD...
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Thanks Revver.com!

This week we posted a compilation of the first five episodes of "Pink" - and our friends at the video sharing site Revver put us on their main front page (thank you guys!). We've had really great response from the show and are continuing to work on building an audience and our brand, which is NOT easy on the Internet. But sites like Revver do make it easier, especially when they help foster a project like ours.The nice thing too about Revver is we use their RSS Feed for our iTunes account. And...
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PINK Propaganda

More press coverage of "Pink"... this time in a video form.The new show "Viral Propaganda" did a short piece on "Pink" a few days ago, and they're (possibly) doing a full story later this month (after they interview Natalie Raitano in LA).Check it out right here!Online Videos by Veoh.com Also, a little promo we did for the show (on Veoh):Online Videos by Veoh.com -Bla...
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BIG NEWS!!! - "PINK" On iTunes

"Pink" is now on iTunes, which is excellent news - BUT even better - Apple contacted me directly (they really dig the show) and have put it on their main store page under Podcast New Releases. It's right there on the front page for the whole world to see. Pretty cool. I hope we get some viewers from this excellent promotion.

I really need to thank my new friend Tim Street for this iTunes introduction. He's the creator of the web show "French Maid TV" and has been consulting with me, and opened the door to Apple. Great guy and his show is definitely funny and worth checking out (hint, hint - go check it out!).

I also need to thank my contact at Apple (his name withheld to protect the innocent) for helping me get my RSS feed straightened out and get all the proper metadata onto iTunes. He was a big help!

If you have a video iPod or an iPhone you can simply subscribe to the show (for FREE) and when a new episode is released iTunes will automatically download it to your computer - then you simply sync your device and watch it whenever you like. If you don't have an iPod or iPhone, you still can/should subscribe via iTunes because you can just simply watch it on your computer (within iTunes).

And if you prefer to watch the show now, well, here you go!


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Who Am I?

I'm a filmmaker who's produced & directed five feature films including the comedy SPILT MILK (available on iTunes), the new horror/thriller PHOBIA (on iTunes) and the action/thiller KILLING DOWN (which you can buy or rent at pretty much all the usual places).

I also created the Streamy and Webby award-winning web series PINK, which to date has been viewed online around 10 MILLION times at places like YouTube, Hulu, Koldcast and TheWB.com. And speaking of TheWB.com, I also produced and directed an online thriller for them called EXPOSED. It was released summer 2010. And most recently I created a new online sci-fi series called CONTINUUM, which is part of the online indie TV network JTS.tv - Just The Story and NOW available via VOD through indie platform Distrify.

Oh, and I don't shoot weddings. Thanks for asking though.

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